Help me please..

Dave M

New member
Jan 15, 2007
Fowlerville, Mi.
Well Its 50*f today..all snow gone, and calling for even warmer temps during the week... :o| :letitsnow

I figured I might as well start the first of many, How should I summerize my sled ?? , threads. ;)!

Let it rip. :rofl: :hide:
Wisconsin weather is lookin pretty shotty right now too, I remain optimistic, The ground frost i think is gone, we are gonna have to start from scratch again :o| :o|
I did go on a 40 mile ride today.....

Too bad it was on the XR600R.. but it was a blast..Did get a few odd looks from them there car drivers. :rockon:
yup, i had a few buddies out on their rockets this past weekend, it was real nice out... Where'd all the snow go? i don't see any in the forcast.

in about a month i should be the proud owner of that 07 repsol1000 that i was talking about.
We missed our typical Januiary warmn-up and base was thick and rock hard. I have a feeling this year Northern MI will be riding well into March this year. still 5 more weeks of winter to go.
same for here, +8C and 20MM of rain for wednesday

Sure its going to freeze back over, but need another 4-6 inches of snow to make it go-able again
Dudes, Way to early to declare springtime. We will have riding here for a long time still. Stay Postitive
