Engagement Shims?

blew by you

New member
Nov 27, 2007
Thunder Bay ,Ont.
I'm thinking of using vmaxjohn's clutch setup(tech. section) for my 99vmax500sx but I don't know what the 3 engagement shims are.Where can I find some?Where do they go,
?Do I need to pull the Primary apart?Any info would be greatly appriciated!THANKS!!
Yes you need to take the primary apart. They are like washers that go between the spring and the clutch. You can get them at your yamaha dealer (If you tell them its for a 92 exciter 570 it shows them on there computer)
cannon3731 said:
Yes you need to take the primary apart. They are like washers that go between the spring and the clutch. You can get them at your yamaha dealer (If you tell them its for a 92 exciter 570 it shows them on there computer)
so basically the you would put the engagement shims in the round groove the spring sits in.(then sit spring on them and and bolt cover on w/ six bolts?)
