Please give me your thoughts!!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
I have been approached on this and I am a little hesitant to take this farther. Please give me your thought on this!! Thanks

TY Race Program:

The program will allow site members to purchase laps for $10 each to sponsor the sled.

All contributing members receive a sticker, additional 15% off on our on-line store, and be entered in the monthly prize drawing.

All members contributing over $50 will receive a TY T-shirt along with all the benefits mentioned above.

I will coordinate with you the purchase of decals and T-shirts so you will receive some money for helping us out.

We also would like to offer TY clothing, apparel, and decals in our booth at the trade shows we attend & help TY earn revenue from the sales of these products. If you wanted we could also add your products to our on-line store as well.

In return for your support, I will arrange to have our riders attend 2 TY group rides so TY members can enjoy a meet & greet with the riders they support. TY will be represented on all of our race equipment (cross country sleds, mx bikes, and watercross sled).

We are pitching to Yamaha to run as the official Yamaha race support team for the privateer racers on the USCC circuit. We would be the direct contact between the Yamaha race dept as well as providing parts and mechanical support at the races. We can also do a thread on the race page so racers can post any questions there and we can help them out.

We are also in the process of partnering with the MN MS Society and a portion of all funds raised through sponsorship and prize money will be donated to the MS Society at the '10 Sno Rally.

All funds collected, less fees and charges associated with online transactions, will be designated for TY sponsorship, MS Society, and associated expenses.

My goal will be to increase your advertising revenue, clothing sales, website hits, & membership.
Scope it out

I like the idea but, once you get started with racing sponsorship you'll never stop receiving requests to sponsor more teams or events. Maybe it would be good to let us know what the scope of this sight is or let the members help to define it. If racing or sponsorship of racing is in-scope (I cannot believe I am using "buzz-words" on this site!?!?!?!) then go for it. if not we love the site the way it is and can't thank you enough for providing it for us!!!!
Just my $0.02 worth.
Absolutely right to be cautious, you need to know a lot more about this before diving in. This is no different than any other business deal. Do not overlook any liability that may be assumed. That said, the idea is intriguing.
And/or Make a designation in terms of who you are sponsoring, if you are accepting apps for sponsorship, or just those wil probably be the main thing to address otherwise you will obviously be getting a lot of sponsorship requests, or make it understood about the evaluation process etc if there is any. Or what forms of racing, sanctioing bodies you would do sponsoring for etc.

I myself would love to get in as a Oval enduro team, but if they are not looking to go that route I will be looking into helping others out definatley

My .02 worth from racing and looking into sponsors

TY Supported race team

TY Members,
This is a program that I have brought to “MR Sled” to help bring more users to the website. This would be beneficial for everyone involved i.e. website owner, members, & advertisers/supporters of the website.

Quick overview of who I am:
My name is Todd Myers and I currently reside in Somerset, WI. I started on Yamaha snowmobiles when I was 6 (31 years ago!) and have been a strong follower of the brand since. I stepped away from snowmobiling while serving in the Air Force but as soon as I returned I got right back on sleds but worked at a Polaris dealer so I rode & raced them until ’05.

I started terrain racing in ’01 and due to the lack of factory support we switched to snocross a couple years later. For the ’05 season we organized and ran a Semi Pro factory supported Polaris team on the WSA National tour. “06 we were approached by Arctic Cat to switch brands and we did. We also stepped up our program and had riders in both Pro & Semi Pro. Needless to say that year didn’t go as planned. We got involved in a lot of politics (I was also the race director at C&A Pro from ’03-’06), rider attitudes, and sub-par results. I expected more from my guys and needed a break so we stepped away from racing for a couple seasons.

Last fall Jesse Strege approached me to run a small race team for the USCC I-500 but I found out soon after I needed major knee surgery right and would not be able to compete this year. We moved forward with the teammate for the Sport 85 class and while testing I decided to try and run the Team class which I sponsor. I called Jesse and he found me a teammate a week before the event. I postponed surgery for 10 days after the 500 so I could ride.

Our Sport 85 rider ran into mechanical issues with his secondary clutch and had to pull out halfway through the 2nd day. My partner, Brandon Carter, and I rode hard and finished in 2nd place in the Team Class. Not only did we finish 2nd overall but we also were the highest finishing Yamaha 4 Stroke sled for the entire event!

Soon after the I-500 we started talking to “Mr. Sled” about organizing a TY team with a program very similar to the program. He stated about the time he can devote to the program and I offered to take this on and help out.

Our program for ’09-’10 is looking like we will be fielding a Pro rider and 2 Semi Pro riders. Riders will be decided after our program from Yamaha is secured.

Yamaha does NOT want us in the Phazer class as this is a dealer supported class and is for new racers. We will have our team crew chief, who is a Pro Yamaha certified mechanic with over 10 years racing experience, concentrating on R&D for the Phazer program. We are going to work very hard on making the Phazer a more competitive & reliable sled for racing, both in snocross and cross country! We would have a section somewhere on the website where you could communicate directly with us for set up tips, race support questions, or things to watch for. This would be for both the Phazer and Nytro sleds.

For the first season we would just run the program as a sponsorship for our factory supported Yamaha team and if it was successful we would open it up the second year to other members. We would have a sponsorship period for anyone interested in obtaining TY support to submit a resume. Then “Mr. Sled” and I would review all the applications and handpick a set number of riders to receive a sponsorship from the website (probably 5).

This program gives members a chance to support a Yamaha race team plus an opportunity for website advertisers to have sponsored riders test and give first hand reviews of products on this website.

Prizes would be shirts, hats, gift certificates, and packs of energy drinks from our sponsors. At the TY Rides we would giveaway product there as well and help anyone that needs it with sled set ups, riding tips, or just want to BS!!

If you do not want to support us, I understand as times are tough.

Ultimately this program will affect each and every one of you as loyal Yamaha owners. What we are testing and figuring out for set ups goes right back to the factory and could end up in future models.

Thank you for your time and if you have any questions PM me or drop me an e-mail.



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Hmmm very interesting,thanks for the added info,i guess it's up to tom and
if he would have enough help on this we know he's got allot on his plate nowadays and time is precious. the advertising revenue would be nice for
sure and get the site out there known to more and more yamaha riders.this
site i think has allot to offer people but allot of sledders i talk to don't know
about this place.

any other thoughts bozs???
I say if we don't try we will regret not knowing if we like it. If we don;t like it after the first year we can always drop it.

Ok. I'm in.
