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I have a 1999 Vmax 700. It started to bog on top end it will hit 9000 rpm then bog and stay at 7500. If i play with the throttle on and off it will sometimes gain the RPMs again. The PTO side plug seems to be a little wet but the other two are good. I checked the plugs and tried changing the coils around but nothing changed. I took the carbs apart and everything looked clean so i put them back on. I was wondering if anyne could think of anything else that could be causing this.
I have triple SLP pipes, reed spacers, its geared down a tooth and i just changed the stator last winter
Thanks for any ideas
I have triple SLP pipes, reed spacers, its geared down a tooth and i just changed the stator last winter
Thanks for any ideas
sounds like thors is kicking in ......throttle cable might be too tight ....try bypassing thors by connecting the 2 wires that go to the carb on the main harness and see if that stops the problem.......also 9000 sounds high ....i belive you want to shoot for 8200 and slowly climb .......8500 .....i think
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New member
Alright thanks. I'll give that a try next time i'm at home. Hopefully this weekend.
New member
Check Your Reeds, I Had A Similar Problem And Found Out I Had A Broken Reed Pedal.
New member
Ok thanks. I did look in there when i had my carbs off but i will take another check hopefully this weekend i can get home to work on it a bit.