SRX top end and VIPER bottom end

kirk700 srx

Feb 14, 2009
labrador city n.l
I have a 98 srx and the crank was not phazed and welded, therefore I want to put a viper crank case on it, can i use the vipers pistons in the srx's cylinder walls?
Sorry to throw a stick in your spokes ,but the viper case and crank wont work without modifying the pickup coil location.the viper and 00'and up srx's have a different ign which has a smaller flywheel and the pickup coil is mounted a little closer to the crank centerline .you could use the viper crank in the 98' case but you would have to use a 98' style pto bearing . the pistons will work no problem .
your right about the centerline and the ignition coil there any way that i can use the srx magnito and the viper flywheel without modifying the case ??? i see your from labrador what part??
kirk700 srx said:
your right about the centerline and the ignition coil there any way that i can use the srx magnito and the viper flywheel without modifying the case ??? i see your from labrador what part??
i live in labrador city to. i read your other post but i'am not sure if that will work ok or not.the stators are the same diameter so the air gap for the magnets should be ok , the thing i would be cautious about is the location of the triggers on the outside of the flywheel ,i don't know if they are in the same position in relation to the flywheel key,also the newer one has one more trigger bump (for lack of a better word).it might make spark but don't know if it will be at the right time,and if its not it will either run like crap or run ok and burn holes down through the pistons.maybe someone else that has tried this might speak up ,i haven't so i don't really know. you could try posting in the srx/viper forum ,might have better luck there.
