I contacted a local distributer for fuel here in Syracuse Indiana, specifically Chrystal Flash, Citgo. They are telling me that ALL of the local gas station's have at least 10% ethonal. No the pumps do not have to be labled due to it being Government mandated. Huh. The only way I can buy fuel ethonal free is to buy from a fuel station which is for "off road only", ie boat gas, farm gas ect. I stated I need to use in my snowmobile which is off road only. I signed a few papers and filled a 100 gallon tank of 91 octane "marine" fuel. I paid $1.78 per gallon. Guess what no road taxes. The minimum I can buy is 100 gallon at a time. Al
Big Al you might be on to something there....now I need to invest into a bunch of 5 gallon cans to take up north.....

I don't know why SNOWMOBILES are subject to MFT taxes anyway.... I suppose thats a SORE SUBJECT with some people....
I did have to set up a tank, it is an outside gravity tank. I bought used at an implement company. The tank was $200.00. I will probably only really use the Marine gas in our boat and some in the sleds. I have a 30 gallon oil tank I could mount in my enclosed trailer for fill up's up North at the hotel. I will still have to be carefull of every fill up while on the trail. Oh I forgot to say delivery was FREE. I agreed to start buying all of my lubricants, ie motor oil, gear oil, ect. at same distributer. I buy somewhere around 250 gallons of 15W40 synthetic blend oil a year. I know it is Citgo and some do not agree that it is owned by a Venzualin company, but I know the local distributer is American and only employ's American's.
Be careful with a 30 gallon tank. It may be enough to require placards and a haz mat license to haul. I thought 15 total was the limit. Maxdlx
maxdlx said:Be careful with a 30 gallon tank. It may be enough to require placards and a haz mat license to haul. I thought 15 total was the limit. Maxdlx
We used to make a trip to the Soo from the cabin two or three times a year to fill four 55 gallon drums inside an enclosed trailer. One of Michigan's finest watched and pulled up as we were finishing up and reminded us that we were limited to three 5 gallon cans. He saw we had everything well secured and allowed us to proceed (followed us out of town).
Might want to check into hazmat transport regulations before investing too much.
Dave M
New member
According to my hazardous materials transport handbook.... regulation starts at 1001 pounds or more.... so you can carry more than 3 gas cans, unless your gas has ALOT of lead in it. Just because the local LEO harasses you... does not mean he knows what he is talking about. $ drums full of fuel is a bit much... but come on 3, 5 gallon cans ?? I would have to make another trip to town on Saturdays just to finish cutting my grass. 

The issue still comes up of not having quality gas while on the trail. When we ride we usually have to fill up 2 to 3 time per day. I basically needed to have some good cheap fuel at the shop. I will use the fuel in the boat and sleds. I can not say I will put in vehicle though. Carrying 30 gallons is not a problem, heck we carry more than that in the machines when full. I believe carrying a secured 30 gallon drum is safer than 6 individual 5gallon plastic can's.
marine that may be fine BUT IS IT A SUMMER BLEND ? will it start hard , not run right ? i had a customer come in with a car that he filled in july . then he did not use it much >>>>>>>>>>>> then it got COLD OUT >> but ITS SO HARD TO START. SUMMER FUEL DOES NOT VAPORIZE VERY GOOD IN THE COLD 

a second note thats why theres e 85 . 15 % gas to get it to FIRE COLD
As I have been told, by the distributer. The gas which is supplied to the local gas station is mixed with ethonal at the distribution center as it is being pumped into the tanker to be delivered to the dealership. The fuel I bought is the same blend of fuel but without the ethonal. They supply many of the farm's, air ports ect. I hope this will be a viable alternative for me. I have not invested a whole lot of money into the test. I will let you know how well the fuel will keep. I am not sure how the fuel is blended to required octane. The person I am dealing with seems to be very knowledgable and generally seems to be very honest. I did find out that all of the local gas station's started to use ethonal this last summer, all were ethonal by August. I had no idea I was even using ethonal. To this date I have had 0 problems but I really do not want any either. I know I filled our boat with fuel before storage, if their is any phaze seperation I should be able to see, before summerizing I am going to check. I will notify my findings. Al
New member
I have been telling people that even if they think they are not using e10, they probably are.
So now every 2 stroke that blows up can be blamed on e10
So now every 2 stroke that blows up can be blamed on e10

Dave M said:According to my hazardous materials transport handbook.... regulation starts at 1001 pounds or more.... so you can carry more than 3 gas cans, unless your gas has ALOT of lead in it. Just because the local LEO harasses you... does not mean he knows what he is talking about. $ drums full of fuel is a bit much... but come on 3, 5 gallon cans ?? I would have to make another trip to town on Saturdays just to finish cutting my grass.![]()
This was not a local LEO, MSP. I never bothered to look into it. If I had received a ticket I probably would have dug deeper. Perhaps there is a state law. I'm not defending the guy but, he wasn't the only MSP LEO I've heard say this.
I'm not arguing with you, just wondering about regulations that may not be in the hazmat handbook which is federal (interstate transport). I've been loosely involved with shipping fuel soaked parts and have basic understanding of ground/air shipping but have not had hazmat training. If it were me, I'd make a call to the state and local LOEs and ask for proof.
Wow, 15 gallons of fuel to cut your lawn? Does your lawn double as a cemetery?
New member
snomofo said:Wow, 15 gallons of fuel to cut your lawn? Does your lawn double as a cemetery?
Either that or he has a Vmax 4 powered lawn mower.

Dave M
New member
snomofo said:Wow, 15 gallons of fuel to cut your lawn? Does your lawn double as a cemetery?
Nope...Golf Course.

I have never heard of a limitation of only 15 gallons of gas, and yes I do have a CDL-A w/ hazmat and tanker endorsements....ie what you need for drving a gasoline tanker.

won't all that gas go bad before you use it? and is ethanol really causing that many problems to go to all this trouble? I thought it was mostly the older sleds with dirty fuel systems that were having the most problems... although my bikes carbs needed to be cleaned 3 times last summer. but again, an old bike with a filthy fuel system.... hmmm