Coolant bleeding(SRX,Viper)


New member
May 2, 2003
Bad Axe,Michigan
Step 1,

1.remove seat,and bumper cover
2.lift up tail of sled slightly higher than motor
3.remove bleed bolt on rear heat exchanger.
4.slowly adding coolant in bottle ,allow the coolant
to drain from rear bleed hole untill all air bubbles disappear, re-tighten bleed bolt set sled back down.

Step 2,

1. loosen/remove the bleed bolt on the water rail(by the on/off valve,have valve on)
2. Add coolant and alow to flow out untill all air bubbles disappear.
3.tighten bleed bolt, make sure system is full and cap is on.

Step 3,

Start the engine and run @ 2500 to 3000 rpm's till warmed up and
coolant circulates good, check heat exchangers should be warm
to the after sitting over night,top off coolant (a) if needed.

if air is still expected repeat above steps..
i just took the back bleed srew out, filled the tank and blew into it until the antifreeze came out the bleed. i did this with the back raised. would this be just as good as what you explained or no???
yeah its ok..I just opened the coolant bottle cap and let everything cycle thru.With the cap open,air bubbles would escape that way.I also can view the coolant moving in the bottle.On my 600SXR was different..did basically what you did.

daman has left the site!!!
can i get some help with hooking up my lines from the fuel pump to the motor. and the pulse line to the crank i dont know how or where they go. its on a srx 700
Thanks dana
no offense, but just putting the front end up like 5 inches and running the sled with the cap off until all the air comes out works just as well and its a lot easier.
