Clutching Question??


New member
Jan 24, 2005
I have a 600 red head, 136" 1.5" paddle. Primary went from YGY to WSW. have 8AB's 2.4 inner .8 in tip, 50/42 helix, silver secondary @ 60. My question is if it is normal to have to load more weight in the tip when going to a quicker spring? I thought it was the inverse? I was pretty well bang on before but it seems now that I have a slight overrev ( 8800-9000). Haven't had it for a good long pull yet, just short pulls in deep snow. Primary a little hot, secondary good. Just like to know if I should take some parts to the field when I go?
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When your running a weight with that profile(8ab/8ca/8bu) with a dual angle helix allways load the tip the heaviest then add inner weight if you need to bring down rpm,s low/mid.
Now have 2.4g both holes secondary @ 70 seems to be good so far. Still need to get a long pull, but short pulls in deep snow turns out 8500 smack on and pulls really hard. (Very easy to pull the skis.) If it works out well I will post it in the clutch setup area of the tech pages. I do have a couple of other primary springs that I would like to try but we'll see. Thanks for the advice Turk.I had the inverse done with the rivets. I loaded inner first, then tip. It's all a learning process and I love it.
Got out for a good long run on Sunday and the clutching is not right. It will pull your arms off up to 50-60mph then it's like you deployed a parchute. It falls right on its face. Off the line it hits 8500 then slowly drops to 7900-8000. Tested againts a 600 ho rev and got smoked bad. Left him by about 20' off the line then at around 55 mph he shot by me and kept on going. I topped out at about 83mph on the speedo. My last setup I have seen as high as 113mph on speedo under ideal contions. On the 8AB's should I pull down the tip weight or the middle to .85 to gain back my rpm? Is the secondary spring too tight ? Oh and clutch temps are really good.
remove inner rivet.
Been der dun dat with those weights.
pulls like mad to 70 mph then falls flat.
you may need to add more tip after removing inner.
