

New member
Feb 9, 2009
auburn, ny
I was thinking about putting some vforce reeds in my 01 sxr 600, just wondering what kind of gains i can expect and if id have to rejet my carbs. Any info would be great!
You may notice a change in they have not been changed since 01.

V Force are good - but you would get the same feel with a new set of stock reeds. Which ever is cheaper.
there is a gain on them motors over the srx/viper motors.if you can find a used set reasobably i would pick them up.If you are just replaceing the pedals get some boysen.I remember a magazine tested them yearsago in the 700 sx and gained I think it it was 2mph oin radar.And I think there about the same price as stock.If your mechanical enough pick up some vmax 4 reeds or srx/viper but you will need to hog out the intake ports to make them fit.
Wouldn't it be easier to put a set of spacers on it and use the stock reeds. The 600 is just like the 700 the reeds block the back port, the spacers move the reeds back to unblock this port. Thottle responce and hp is improved. My 2 cents.
coorsloader315 said:
thanks for the info guys but nobody has told me if id have to rejet the carbs or not.

Just with a set of reeds, no you do not have to re jet ( as long as it has the stock jetting in it now).
We put a set of Boyen reeds and spacers in son's 2001 several years ago. This did make a little difference in power. The Boysen instructons said you may need to jet down a little. We just lowered the needles one notch at the time. It alway ran a little fat but, we left it alone to be safe. We jetted it down a little this year and it is still rich.
Here's a carb tip for this sled: put a .8 air bleeder/jet in for the idle circuit. It will improve bottom end throttle response a bunch.
