Adjustable transfers?

8vo fan

New member
Apr 4, 2006
Hersey MI.
I bought a sled (2000 SX600r) with adjustable transfers already on it. I have no idea how to adjust them. How do I know when they are adjusted right.
I grabbed a hold of them and tried to turn them but, they don't move.
Help please.
Turn them either way, to make the gap bigger or smaller. Bigger is more transfer, also looser skid action, Smaller gap is more coupling between the two skid shocks, also tighter skid (doesn't twist as much). Smaller gap will give better hookup. Open them all the way up to do wheelies! I had to take mine off and unstick them, clean & grease, to get them to turn by hand, when I bought my sled last year.
depending on brand of them, mine have a little pin in them, you have to slide them down then turn them, kind of like an air-hose fitting slides down over itself but then turn.
I have NO traction. A well studded track that is a good track. There is a rather large gap in the transfers. I did notice a set screw in the side of one transfer. I take it that I loosen that set screw a then try to turn the body.
The slightest blip of the throttle spins the track.
It rides really smooth though.
you start off firstly by sitting on the sled.Lean over and see what the gaps are.If the lower and upper gaps are have a 50/50 gap..which is a good starting point.You can adjust from there for more or less transfer required.
