2001 MM 700 on groomed trails?


New member
May 5, 2006
I am thinking of getting a mm 700 w 141" by 2" track on it. I do alot of ditch riding in MN and northern Wisconsin riding. If I put ice scratchers on it, could this be a decent trail machine without changing the track? Just wondering your opinions.
They really tear up the trail bad and are hard on slides if the snow cover is'nt consistently thick.The ice scratchers will help though.It also won't turn the best, but its all a tradeoff.If it was me I'd get it and put a different track on it like a camoplast cobra or a predator.Basically something in the 1.25-1.0375" lug height range and it would still be great in the drifts and ditches, but be more tolerant to lower snow conditions like is common in the midwest.
EGGMAN said:
Is the MM track in good shape, 2000 miles, worth anything if I was to sell it and buy a different one?

If it is the stock MM track, they're not worth much. I would just cut the lugs down to 1" to 1.25" and call it good.
The stock Yokohama tracks are pretty much junk. They are much heavier than a camoplast and lugs tear off pretty easy on them. I had to give mine away when I went to a 144, the guy I gave it to cut the lugs down on it and used it in his enclosed trailer for a traction mat.

As far as trail riding with a 2" paddle, I would not suggest it. If I stay mostly off-trail, I only get about 500-800 miles on a set of slides. But that for me is a season, so it's not too bad. In fact a couple years ago, when I first got my MM, I burned thru a set in a day on a 100 mile ride. I would go with the previously suggested 1.25".
EGGMAN said:
How hard is it to cut down the lugs? What do you use to do it?

I've seen people use Utility knife blades in a homemade jig, Though I use my Tire groover that I bought for doing offroad truck tires. Tracks cut pretty easy.
Put a set of scratchers on it and ride it. I trail ride from time to time with my 151x2 and now my 162x2.25 with no problems. My friends do the same and ride nothing shorter than 144x2.
I've been told that in the midwest much over 1.5" is a handful on the trails.If you get it throw a set of simmons skis on there also, its a nite and day difference over the stock skis.Also the newer tracks are much lighter and more effecient which will boost performance and gas mileage.
