reddog mmax 700
New member
i bought a 86 yamaha inviter that was in storage for 5 years. when i took it home and cleaned it up and tryed to start it all it wants to do is spit and back fire. what could be stoping the sled from running.
VIP Member
Dirty pliot, main jets and small passage ways in your carb. Don't forget to change the fuel filter after cleaning the carb.
New member
clean carb for sure
reddog mmax 700
New member
yeah i did all the normal stuff cards/fuel pump/ tank. new spark plug and cap.when i put some gas right down the plug hole it still justs spits and back fire...
yeah i did all the normal stuff cards/fuel pump/ tank. new spark plug and cap.when i put some gas right down the plug hole it still justs spits and back fire...
New member
hows the spark nice and bright blue? sitting for that long maybe the mag or
stator is corroded??. coil,wire compression all check out?
stator is corroded??. coil,wire compression all check out?
New member
Did you check the exhaust for obstructions?
Triple X
New member
Another thing to check is the throttle over ride system (TPS).
New member
Triple X said:Another thing to check is the throttle over ride system (TPS).
That would be TORS...
I know the P and O are very close on the keyboard

reddog mmax 700
New member
yes i checked everything mentioned above, and lots of spark. this got me stumped...thanks guys
yes i checked everything mentioned above, and lots of spark. this got me stumped...thanks guys