vmax600 LE Speed issue and more HELP


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Hello, i have a 1994 Yamaha vmax 600 LE
These sleds from what i heard they are 160km/hr Sleds
My Sled goes top 125km/hr
Now, the sleds smokes alot, The spark plugs when i took them out where black and think crystal black stuff all over the tip, almost covering it completely. I took them out put new ones in, ran for 15mins.. took them out and the tips were black and wet. Also the Exhaust is leaking Black Liquid, and also coming out one of the manifolds. Seems like alot of oil going into the engine, but the oil injection is at factory.. Any help?

Idk if this effects the speed, but maybe some suggestions with that to?

Any help would be great , i also do not have compression test on it yet.

did u find the fault on your sled ? I am having the same issues and I don't know where to start .
any help please . thanks .
Clean your carbs. If your sled is stock, verify that all carb settings and adjustments are set to stock specs. Specs can be found in the owners manual, service manual, and/or in the tech section here on this site. Surf around a bit and see what you find, you can read for days about helpful information to keep your sled running.
mostly stock , drop brackets,1.1/4 track studded , carbs are cleaned , clutch is rebuilt . I have been reading (searching) for about a week , still not sure on what to do , iwas thinking of leaning out a bit ? please help , thanks
Carb jetting and adjustments set up per stock specs? Are you sure the pilot circuit is clean and clear?
What kind of fuel mileage are you getting?
Oil usage about 40:1? 50:1?
Compression check?
Before leaning it out, check your plugs and piston wash, compare with the info here on this site, I don't have the link but a search should bring it up and it was just talked about recently.
You know, we don't know anything about your sled: year, engine, miles, etc.
sorry , 95 vmax600 , engine was rebuilt when i bought it 4 years ago , hard on fuel and oil , up to 1/2 5/8 throttle pulls hard up to 8200 8500 , throttle 3/4 to full rpm drops to 6500 to 7000 . I don't know what to do , thank you .
