New member
I need a few oem keys. lost my key this weekend and had to get a whole new switch. whats the price on a key. A few buddies are also interested in a few. would be 6 keys at least. My key # is 3213

VIP Member
Unfortunately we don't currently have a reasonably priced method of getting keys made that we offer through the store. Yamaha recently changed the method in which we can get keys and it is no longer reasonably priced. We have been looking into a key cutting machine to have at the store but haven't found the right tool for the job yet. We do have a local hardware store that cuts matching keys but they can't do it off a code - they need to have a key to cut it off of.
Unfortunately we don't currently have a reasonably priced method of getting keys made that we offer through the store. Yamaha recently changed the method in which we can get keys and it is no longer reasonably priced. We have been looking into a key cutting machine to have at the store but haven't found the right tool for the job yet. We do have a local hardware store that cuts matching keys but they can't do it off a code - they need to have a key to cut it off of.
New member
alright thanks, that is what i have heard. I will just have the locall hardware carve a few.
theres a guy on ebay has all kind of keys. do a search under yamaha keys.
I have a bunch of NOS Yamaha keys..I do not have the 3213... Contact me with the other key numbers you are looking for.. Thanks, Jeff Wurl