power valves ????


New member
Apr 25, 2003
northern ontario,canada
Power valves....
I am having a hard time tring to clean my power valves on my viper. Yes I let them go way to long.. 4,000 miles. So to get them out I have use a little carb cleaner to break them lose and get them out. Now my question is I don't know if any of the carb cleaner got into the cylinders when I was spraying it(getting by the valves some how) Should I worry about this? I was going to put some oil into each cyclinder. This a good idea? Plus when I was tring to remove mine I heard the servo motor move a little is this going to be a problem? I can get the cables all hooked up ok but will the valves be in the wrong position? Thanks for any info...


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Once your servo motor is activated, it will stop at the right spot. It doesn't matter that the cables are pulled out farther than normal right now. I experimented w/this myself...you should be ok. As for the possible crap down your cylinders, I would pop off the heads and make sure all is clean (but then again...I have the srx which has the o-ring setup, so I probably wouldn't be buying the gaskets). Your call.
