I have now gone through 2 dial adjusters, the cable keeps breaking off on the threaded part of the dial. is anyone else that installed one in a proaction having this problem? I know I have sent out a few templates so are you guys having this issue?? I just noticed today that the second one is broke
other than that I LOVE this skid 

I have heard about the problem you describe as well as the electronic shock wires getting ripped off from ice. I would suspect it is worse with the electronic shock. Carver is working on a manual adjust kit for the electronic shock. They are not sure when it will be avail. As far as the manual shock it was suggested to me not to bother with the cable and adjuster and just put a cap over the threads on the shock. Can't be adjusted while riding though, you would have to stop, pull the cap and adjust with a little screw driver or square tip driver.
huh, I thought there was a fix
that sucks, I LOVE the dial adjuster! other than this I have 2500 miles trouble free on the skid
snowtech says they have an "RA protector kit" anyone know what that is?

part number 8FU-RAPRT-KT-RA
see http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/Suspension/monomaintenance.pdf
see http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/Suspension/monomaintenance.pdf