New member
OK, I have been down a bunch of different roads with my 1999 SRX7, and clutching. Had the heel clickers and 89A-10's with a Hauck "G" helix (unsure what angle). Didnt like the clickers and had the 89a-10s dialed in.
For the hell of it today, I put the stock set up back in (with 2 4.5g rivets in the 8DN-10s), with the Hauck "G" and Hauck Silver secondary. Seemed to pull good, but over-revved. I put the stock red secondary back in with the stock straight 47.
Anyway, my point is, that is seems to pull better with the stock 8DN-10s and a straight 47, versus the 89A-10s with the Hauck Helix. Backshift is excellent with the stock setup.
Any thoughts on this? The stock set-up seems the best!
For the hell of it today, I put the stock set up back in (with 2 4.5g rivets in the 8DN-10s), with the Hauck "G" and Hauck Silver secondary. Seemed to pull good, but over-revved. I put the stock red secondary back in with the stock straight 47.
Anyway, my point is, that is seems to pull better with the stock 8DN-10s and a straight 47, versus the 89A-10s with the Hauck Helix. Backshift is excellent with the stock setup.
Any thoughts on this? The stock set-up seems the best!
New member
SRXdude, I agree 100%. I had a 2000 SRX that I bought new from Hauck Power Sports. The deal from Hauck for snowchecking them at that time was the Hauck Stage 4 clutch kit which came with the 89a-10 weights and a G1 helix. Luckily I also talked them into letting me keep my stock clutch setup because I really preferred stock to their kit. Not for a lack of trying either because I ran both setups in a variety of conditions with the guys I ride with (all on SRXs) and stock was definitely better. The Hauck kit maybe pulled a little harder in the midrange but backshifting on the stock setup was much better. My friend has the same kit as you (G helix) for his '98 SRX and he no longer uses it and has gone back to stock for the same reason. I'm not sure but I believe the G helix is a multi angle and the G1 I'm sure is straight. I think it's a 49 or 50. I did have decent luck with my stock primary setup with the G1 helix and green secondary spring.
New member
Thanks for the reply!
I used the "G" in the mountains with the stock green, and it worked good. I may put the "G" back in with the red spring, and give it a whirl.
My thoughts are that the manufacturers used to "leave something on the table" for the tuners, but I am not so sure of that anymore. True, you may be able to get a better drag race set-up, but overall, you cant beat stock.
What rivets are you running in the 8DNs? I had to put the biggest Yamaha (4.5 grams) in both holes to get the rpms down.
I used the "G" in the mountains with the stock green, and it worked good. I may put the "G" back in with the red spring, and give it a whirl.
My thoughts are that the manufacturers used to "leave something on the table" for the tuners, but I am not so sure of that anymore. True, you may be able to get a better drag race set-up, but overall, you cant beat stock.
What rivets are you running in the 8DNs? I had to put the biggest Yamaha (4.5 grams) in both holes to get the rpms down.
New member
This is funny, I also agree with you guys. I did the 89a-10 with a hauck #4 setup and was disappointed with it. After following everyones advice on this forum, changing rivets, weights, helix's and springs , gearing everything, i thought I got it all figured out, then I got smoked by a xc700 and a ZRT600. Then I went back to stock and it was like night and day, the stock setup and the stock gear worked really good. And the xc or ZRT could not run with the stock set-up. Rode it a season like that and was happy. Then last year went with Heelclickers with the HC-x secondary with the stock gearing. I did this because it did both clutches and supertorquer seemed to have a pretty good well known setup that by looking at the track dynos transfered good power to the ground. This setup definately has the stock set-up beat as far as acceleration. The instanteous response on the trail is amazing, and the back shift is incrediable. This set-up pulls hard up to 100mph then my 1.5" 136 track decides it doesn't want to go much faster. It tops right around the 110mark on the speedo with that track. I think thats impressive for a long track, big lug set-up. SRXdude, why didn't you like the Heelclickers? I have heard people say things about the top end not being strong enough? What was your take?
Hey SRXDude,
I also went away from the Heelclickers for this upcoming season. Just could never get them dialed in right with my Roller Rooster secondary. Top end was the biggest problem, could hardly beat a stock REV 600. Going back to a stock secondary with a 54/46 helix and Heavy Hitters and hopefully I can see some better results. I'll post when I get things figured out.
Is there any snow out your way as of yet? We had some here, but most of it has melted. My neighbor at home rode 40 miles on the 3-4 inches we had. I am not that anxious to go, dont need to wreck things riding in too little of snow. Have a great winter!
I also went away from the Heelclickers for this upcoming season. Just could never get them dialed in right with my Roller Rooster secondary. Top end was the biggest problem, could hardly beat a stock REV 600. Going back to a stock secondary with a 54/46 helix and Heavy Hitters and hopefully I can see some better results. I'll post when I get things figured out.
Is there any snow out your way as of yet? We had some here, but most of it has melted. My neighbor at home rode 40 miles on the 3-4 inches we had. I am not that anxious to go, dont need to wreck things riding in too little of snow. Have a great winter!
New member
SRXdude, I no longer have the SRX as I had an unfortunate encounter w/ a pressure ridge last year, but as far as rivets in the primary weights, I ran them stock. My rpms were good all the way through with a slight rise (100 rpms or so) at top end. We do mainly lake riding in I'Falls and one of my buds with a bone stock '01 SRX was always top end king. He weighs about a buck thirty soaking wet and routinely could peg his dream-o-meter at 200 klicks (Canadian sled) which is about 124 mph. He rides unstudded and his sled is always the one we compare to since he just gases up and rides and never touches a thing. With 192 studs in mine I could see 119 - 120 on rare occasions. I put a '9830 Camo on last year and rode unstudded for the first part of the season. I saw what I was estimating to be around 125 last year and was much closer to the top end king, even with my fat 190 lb butt on the sled. This has nothing to do with your original question but my point is that in side by side comparisons with the '01 (Mr. Top End), with & without the Hauck kit, always gave the same results - stock was always better. I have no experience with HCs but I do have HHs in my CPR piped Viper and they seem to work very well but I've never tried anything else on that sled so I have no comparison. I can say though that the Mr. Top End title now belongs to me w/ the Viper - man that thing rips.
New member
dockter71 what did you run for secondary spring and what did you have it wraped to?Also which helix?I ran the Heelclickers all last year than at end of year went with the Hc-x also.Wasnt all that happy with the way it performed.I had the 42-34 helix and tried green and red springs.I got two other helixs for this year.I think they are a 46-38 and a straight 42 to test out.
Yamadogger-you hail from I'Falls then? I don't suppose there is any snow up there yet, not to ride on at least is there? When do the lakes usually freeze? We were up there in March last year, the last weekend you could ride, it was about 50 on Saturday, so didn't get much for riding in. I'm from the Brainerd area, and will probably be heading back up there when the lakes freeze.
New member
jwifferdill - Yes we've got snow but it's melting. We got about 6-8 inches last week and Rainy Lake is starting to freeze (at least Black Bay). Hope this warm weather ends or else we'll lose what ice has started forming. I was also out that last ridable day last March as well. Went to Crane Lake & back & rode most of the way back in water/slush. Nothing like riding in 60 degrees with your jacket open. If you're up this way you'll have to let me know and we can do some riding.
New member
Atlas, I run a green secondary spring with a straight 38 degree helix. red primary and I if remember correctly the setup they gave was almost right on the money. I think I moved a washer from the center to the tip. Also why would you go with a multi-angle helix on a HC-x? My understanding is that the variable radius of the helix allowed you to get the acceleration properties of a multi angle, while using a straight angle helix. The straight angle allows for a constant acceleration throughout the shift curve. Have you heard something I haven't? My only concern was I kept hearing things about a loss on the top end with the clickers, but I haven't seen it. If somebody can explain why all the guys here have replaced clickers with the heavey hitters, that would help. Turk what is your take on this?
The hh,s are a lot easier to tune then the hc,s. There are a lot less combinations. The only way you would lose top speed with hc,s is if you did not load em properly or belt was slipping in the secondary due to not enuff torsion spring. I think you guys were having probs with 89a-10,s cus you weren,t using a stiff enuff secondary spring. When you use a real aggressive primary set up for the most part you need a stiff secondary spring to slow the upshift to keep everything balanced. The 8dn-20 is a very good all around weight & works well for everything except short drag racing.
New member
Thanks turk for the quick reply. I think your right on the secondary spring on conjuction with those 89a-10's. I tried my silver for about a couple runs and was unhappy then removed it and never went back, and from there everything else never quite work right. My current clicker setup is exactly the same as your 02-03 SRX clicker set-up in the clutching tech setup page (see below) except I use a HC-X secondary Green @ 60 with a straight 38degree. Everything else is exactly the same. interesting. Obviously this is for a 02-03 SRX and mine is a 99, but it works great in mine.
"New 2002 & 03 SRX w/Heelclickers" From Tech pages
50/40 Helix, Red Heelclicker ,3.5g in heel, 4.5 G in the tip & small bolt 1st hole with Green Secondary Spring at 60 Degree. "
"New 2002 & 03 SRX w/Heelclickers" From Tech pages
50/40 Helix, Red Heelclicker ,3.5g in heel, 4.5 G in the tip & small bolt 1st hole with Green Secondary Spring at 60 Degree. "
New member
dockter71 the 42-34 is what Supertorquer recomends for the Yamahas.So it came with the kit.Not many people have run the Hc-x kit yet from what i have seen.Some say they like them and some hated them.I have noticed of those that liked them they have used a straight helix.
Turk you had any experiance yet with the Hc-x kits?
Turk you had any experiance yet with the Hc-x kits?
New member
That recommendation from them was not in my set-up info. I purcahsed my kit in Sept 02. I wonder if the reason they went with a 34 finishing angle was because of some top-end issues. The shallower the angle the slower the shift but it has a much higher side belt forces.
New member
Well if you buy the hc-x kit they recomend a 42-34 however if you buy the new rigid secondary they recomend a straight 38.I have got two kits and one setup sheet says to use a green spring and the other says to use a silver spring.So their setups are not consistant.I talked to Randy once about it and he said to use the stock spring.He argued that a stock srx came with a green spring.Mine had a red spring and from looking at parts list all years of the srx had red springs.So i kinda gave up on his advice.Maybe ill get a straight 38 and try that out also.
New member
I'm pretty sure my 99 came with a green secondary. It might be different on the 2000 and later models. Thats what I'm running now in the HC-x. Thats funny about those set-up sheets from Randy with those different set-ups in his paperwork. One recommends the silver the other recommends the green, and they are even on the same page. I thought they would have changed that by now.
Stock secondary spring in a 99 srx is a red...absolutely 100% positively!
New member
I must have picked up that green spring through my travels up and down the clutching road then. I don't have my service manual with me while on the road, but I'm sure Turk is correct. Sorry for the confusion, must have been to many beers. It must have been 5 o'clock somewhere when I wrote that. I hate it when that happens. Thanks Turk.
New member
Hey Guys! I must not have the e-mail alert on, as I didnt notice all the posts.
Wiff, yes we had a little snow here. Rode around a few ditches. They had 6+ north of Minot, but now it has been warmer. I was flying around Rapid City today and up the the hills near Lead, SD. There is a little snow there, but nothing ridable. No snow at Rapid City.
Dockter71, I didnt like the clickers as I lost top end with them. Fooled around with all kinds of stuff and they would never pull on top (90+) like the Yamaha weights do.
Turk--The 89A-10's work great loaded up for dragging, but I like a crisp backshift, and it seems impossible to have both.
Wiff, yes we had a little snow here. Rode around a few ditches. They had 6+ north of Minot, but now it has been warmer. I was flying around Rapid City today and up the the hills near Lead, SD. There is a little snow there, but nothing ridable. No snow at Rapid City.
Dockter71, I didnt like the clickers as I lost top end with them. Fooled around with all kinds of stuff and they would never pull on top (90+) like the Yamaha weights do.
Turk--The 89A-10's work great loaded up for dragging, but I like a crisp backshift, and it seems impossible to have both.