Exciter 570 Aftermarket pipes instructions,PSI,Bender,Reichard,Decker,Aaen


New member
Apr 20, 2008
I got alot of recuests lately about the spec-sheets for the Psi twin and single pipes,so i figurad that ill post everything i got here
Its info on how to modify your Exciter when using the Psi twins and single pipes
Also got some pipe shoot-out's for Exciter 2 and Exciter SX,where they go trough nearly every known brands of aftermarket pipes for Exciters

I hope the guys i got these sheets from dont mind me posting them here,the reason that we are all here is to get help and help other Yamaha-freaks,right?heh
I also have the pipe shoot-outs for V-max 4's,Indy xlt's,Mach 1's, and several other cat's,doo's and poo's if there is any interest for such

Well,here they are,i hope a moderator could make this one a sticky,so i could be found easily

Good luck!


Link to Reichard(RPC)Performance pipe for exciter:

http://www.rpcracing.com/TechPages/...Stealth Pipe Installation and Tuning Inst.pdf

Psi instructions:



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no i dont mind you sharing the info i sent you. as a matter of fact that is a great idea you have. would be nice if there was a special section for each model that we could post all aftermarket spec sheets just like this!
I'm all for sharing as well, as long as everyone realizes this is intellectual property that is being shared, and the consequences that go along with that!?! As long as the guys @ DT aren't aware of it, it's all good!

I realy dont think the guys at DynoTech wont mind us shearing these sheets,seing that their almost 20 years old.
If they do mind,ill sure remove the post
hey nikolia, thanks for all this effort i dont think they would mind either its like a magazine article.... is it possible to put the tuning specs for the single pipes also buddy
Hehe,np doing this,before i found this forum,it was nearly impossible finding info on the psi pipes.I figured that i would have apreciated someone doing this,so why not do it myself?:)
Back to the single pipe,i remembered a bit wrong actually,i thought the first psi-sheets had info on the single pipe to,but it was only on psi pipes and psi pipes with porting.

Im not sure,but i think the Exciter 2 had the same carbs as the first exciter with roundslides,so if you could figure out something from the Exciter 2 pipe shoot-out that should work.
Is there anybody who knows what carbs where in the Exciter 2?Was it the Mikuni 38mm thats in the first exciter without butterfly-carbs?
And if someone have the info on PSI single for the first Exciter 570's,then tey are more than welcome to post it here,or send it to me and i can fix it!
Gotten many requests for this info,and its to bad i have to disapoint people who realy need it
new info on Reichard (RPC) pipe in first post.This is a whole instalation manuall with jetting instructions and all
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