2001 Mmax 700 to 2000 SRX 700

tent trash

New member
Mar 9, 2009
So my motor went in a bad way, lower crank had a giant hole in it, only thing salvageable was a few pots and the piston cover. Searched for a few months, couldn't find an mmax motor. I found a 2000 SRX motor on ebay and was told that it would fit into my mmax. What I should have asked is whether or not it would fit into it without major modifications. I am now aware I need to buy power valves along with the server motor. I'm also being told that I will need triple pipes? Will I need a new manifold too? Will I need a new hood to fit the pipes?
I bought this sled this spring (my first real sled) and it was sposed to last awhile, now I found myself kinda spending a lot more money than I planned. Has anyone ever put an SRX motor into a mountain max? I'd appreciate any tips on this if anyone has ever done it. My very first yammy experience has not been going so well.
IF you put the SRX motor in an SX chassis you don't necessarily have to run SRX pipes as the shape of the hood and Belly pan are much different. There have been SRX motors transplanted into sx or Mountain max chassis', you will also need to get the proper CDI(brain) unit to make it run properly.
anything is possible. but it will be alot of time and money. if you do put the srx motor in the mm you will have a great package in the end and a very reliable tripple piped monster. you will need srx manifolds, pipes and silencer, cdi, wiring, power valves and servo, clutching, probably new gearing and im sure there is more that im forgeting. i would first set your budget. if you dont have a large enough budget to do the swap, sell the srx motor and find/buy a red head 700. im sure others will have more info as i have not done this swap but i know some on here have.
bolin22 said:
anything is possible. but it will be alot of time and money. if you do put the srx motor in the mm you will have a great package in the end and a very reliable tripple piped monster. you will need srx manifolds, pipes and silencer, cdi, wiring, power valves and servo, clutching, probably new gearing and im sure there is more that im forgeting. i would first set your budget. if you dont have a large enough budget to do the swap, sell the srx motor and find/buy a red head 700. im sure others will have more info as i have not done this swap but i know some on here have.

Well based on what u r telling me the only option is to sell it. I am new to sledding, not real mechanical and do not have the time or money to do what is needed. I just wish the guy on ebay would have told me that putting the srx motor into the mmax is not really doable, I never would have bought it in the first place.
bigsno said:
madpat has a redhead for sale in the classifieds....

The redhead is likely from a late 90's mmax. Mine is a 2001. From what I understand that is the year they changed the engine design. Curiously I have never seen a 2001 mmax motor for sale. Apparently mine is the only one to die.
im pretty sure the engine design is the same, its just a bit different in the stator/ignition. i believe you can use a pre-01 as long as you use your post-01 ignition,cdi,stator,flywheel. im not 100% on this maybe someone else can chime in.
In 01' the mm engines changed their electrical system. I tried putting a 00' engine into a 01' frame and had the same problem. Tried a few posts and found out all you need is to change to inner coil and magneto. Make sure to keep the inner coil and magneto paired to what engine your taking it out of because they only work with each other.
