VIP Member
I've been putting up with bent handlebars for a while. Is there any difference between models? I've got an 98 700sx. I'm asking because if you look them up in parts, the part #s differ between models. There are some on ebay including a set from an rx-1.
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Active member
I have handlebars from a 97 vmax that should be the same as yours.
Part #: 8CR-23811-00-00
Part #: 8CR-23811-00-00
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New member
do you like your bend height/pullback? are you wanting to use a bar riser? there are many options to factor in to your bar choice. there are a ton of bars out there, dont think that you have to be stuck with the factory yamaha bars. i would look into fly, RSI, pro taper and tagg metals to name a few. most of these companies offer many bends and pullbacks to fit your style, and are quite reasonable when compared to stock bars. i currently have bars off a mnt. viper which are 2" higher than factory shorty viper a mountain strap. they have a nice bend to them and are very comfortable for me.
difference in the part #s include four variables: height, width, rise, rake. any 7/8" diameter bars will adapt to your sled. sit on a few sleds and find some to your liking.
VIP Member
I'm thinking about adding a riser over the summer haven't really started to look yet. Just that every time I look at the sled and see that one side sits up higher than the other, It bugs me. I don't notice them too much when I'm riding though. I'm buying a pair of SRX bars off someone from this site, so we'll see how I like them.
New member
i have a stock set that will fit on your sled,i put a 6 inch riser on fits me beutifully,it was a decent amount of work and minor fabrication but it was well worth it.
get a set of viper or sxr bars, they are wider and give you more leverage. steers better I think with the wide bars.
VIP Member
I added a powermadd 2" riser over the weekend. I'm still waiting for the handlebars to show up. I rolled the old one forward to gain some more height. I could almost stand up, maybe I'll add a 3" pivot over the summer and extensions.
New member
I added srx bars to mine with left 90 degree hook and what a difference.
VIP Member
I have the 90° hooks already and really like them. If I add the 3" pivot I will probably add hand guards as well. Since it gets pretty cold around here and up north where I ride.
Be sure to check your steering post. You likely have the style before they added gussets and made them stronger. Adding risers or longer bars (more leverage) has been known to break many of these older style steering posts. That is not something you want to find out on the trail. You can swap posts if you want, be a good summer job.
VIP Member
I broke my post last season and had it welded together with a smaller rod down the middle of the post, so I'm not too worried about breaking it. Maybe I will add gussets, I didn't do that.
Active member
What year did they start adding gussets?