Found a 97 500 vmax xtc with 2500 miles on it for sale. Pros/cons?? Thinking this might be a good sled for my wife and son to drive. Your thots
My sister in law has a 98, it is now her daughter's. Close to 9,000 trouble free miles. She did not want to give it up..
my buddies wife rides a 97 xtc 500 and its a great sled 7500 trouble free miles ....olny problem is underpowered and bad gas mileage ....but other wise great spare sled
New member
It is a good sled, but those yami twins are thirsty.
We have 6500 miles on our 97 venture 600 twin. I don't have any second thoughts about taking that sled anywhere.
Check oil consumption on that 97 500, those had a poor original oil pump design as the 97 600's like mine. If the pump goes bad, it fails open. Then it will use a tank of oil for 2 tanks of gas. We put the redesigned pump style they put in the twins for 98 this fall, and it now sips oil like it should.
If that sled smokes a lot, you can be pretty sure the pump is bad. A new one is around 170 dollars.
We have 6500 miles on our 97 venture 600 twin. I don't have any second thoughts about taking that sled anywhere.
Check oil consumption on that 97 500, those had a poor original oil pump design as the 97 600's like mine. If the pump goes bad, it fails open. Then it will use a tank of oil for 2 tanks of gas. We put the redesigned pump style they put in the twins for 98 this fall, and it now sips oil like it should.
If that sled smokes a lot, you can be pretty sure the pump is bad. A new one is around 170 dollars.
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New member
Good sleds just a little thirsty said above BUT,,,can be tuned in(oil,gas) nicely and to be not to bad,all depends how and where the sleds is ran bust'en pow your going to get less cursing a nice trail you'll see nice numbers,my last trip up north with my xtc i got over 12mpg and 46:1
sipp'en oil. so the potential is there just need to tune.
sipp'en oil. so the potential is there just need to tune.
98 xtc 500 was the wifes first sled ,now our daughters , no problems ,thristy ya not to bad though. good trail sled .you will like it .
Thanks for all the inputs