Header wrap on exhaust pipes....
What is the benifit of doing this? I've seen it in a few of the sled pics and I'm wondering why?
What is the benifit of doing this? I've seen it in a few of the sled pics and I'm wondering why?
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New member
keeping the pipe "hot" which makes more power on some models. Also with aftermarket pipes it stop thermal shock of snow hitting them and cracking them. That's my story anyway.
and it is cheaper than ceramic coating the pipes to do the same job.
header wrap &/or ceramic coating may change your jetting.
bufalobob said:header wrap &/or ceramic coating may change your jetting.
OK elaborate....? Please
it is a good way to rust out the pipes as fast as possible 

Active member
03viperguy said:it is a good way to rust out the pipes as fast as possible![]()
if the wrapping got saturated w/water....yes, but if they got a little wet and you ran it to get the pipes hot, the moisture should just burn off and dry out the wrapping.
mopar1rules said:if the wrapping got saturated w/water....yes, but if they got a little wet and you ran it to get the pipes hot, the moisture should just burn off and dry out the wrapping.
You've obviously got more experience in this area with your pipes being wrapped. How long have you had them wrapped and have you had the wrap off at any time and evaluated the effect? I'm curious to know if any abrasion speeds things up and I think you'd agree that it isn't the ideal application.
Not saying it doesn't work or that it isn't suited for snowmobiles, but I would think there is a greater risk for capturing moisture from increased exposure to frozen water (not much snow on asphalt in the summer - it's historic application).
I can say I was surprised to see little rust under the heat shield/glass insulation on my '01 stock pipes. But I would think the shield helps to repel the water from soaking the glass insulation were as the wrap is out there in the open.
vmaxmike said:OK elaborate....? Please
The wrap or coating will change the pipes ability to retain heat which will change the pipe's effect on scavenging (for better or worse, typically better depending on pipe design).
Ihave just seen that rust out headers that were not cast iron. seen it take out exhausts on bikes. either a bike or a sled has an off season that it sits and has a good chance of this happening. but like it was said above, you have first hand knowledge if it works or not!
snomofo said:The wrap or coating will change the pipes ability to retain heat which will change the pipe's effect on scavenging (for better or worse, typically better depending on pipe design).
OK...? so typically are we talking larger or smaller jets when the pipes are wraped?
vmaxmike said:OK...? so typically are we talking larger or smaller jets when the pipes are wraped?
Wrapping the pipe will typically make it more efficient/leaner so jetting fatter may be required.
ceramic coatings & pipe wrap are both inulators. they keep pipe temp. up. it can be just like putting on a different set of pipes. either can change jetting, generally requiring additional fuel, & possibly moving the power peak up a few hundred rpm's. unless you have access to a good dyno facility my advice is don't do either.
New member
i got my pipes ceramic coated.... i will end up wrapping them with black header wrap. Mainly because when i was on the trail an exhaust spring broke and i got oil all over the hot pipe and it glazed the black coating to a white color and looks like a$$... and the fact that my hood cable was rubbing. i should of relocated that wire before i started riding with coated pipes.... it all went to hell on the middle pipe... i'm just gonna wrap my pipes TIGHT and be done with it.... one of my many things to do on the sled this summer....
cant you polish the oil off of it? try bar keepers friend, should be able to get it at a hardware store. cleans and polishes without scratching.