Help ?

did you remove the oil pump and/or any oil hoses? if no, then you needn't purge air from the oil system..

did you remove the impellor shaft completely from the front of the engine?
just the oil seal, did not remove the shaft.

The reason for replacing is that it leaks anitfreeze when it is running.
Still have the antifreeze leak dripping off of the bottom of the water pump housing after replacing seal?????
MM 700 said:
just the oil seal, did not remove the shaft.

The reason for replacing is that it leaks anitfreeze when it is running.
Still have the antifreeze leak dripping off of the bottom of the water pump housing after replacing seal?????

Had the same problem with my 02MM 700 last year... In the fall before riding season, did a water pump overhaul too. Found the mechanical seal was not the problem, but rather the splines on the shaft where the impellor fits were worn and loose and thus leaking fluid past...

Replaced the shaft and the impellor but you could try removing impellor from shaft (very carefully not to scratch mechanical seal) clean and dry splines on shaft and impellor, then use a liberal dose of Locktite on the splines of impellor and shaft...(also use Locktite on threads of mounting bolt)... reassemble with NEW sealing washer (the washer that goes under the impellor mounting bolt) and then tighten down to spec... Let Locktight set up 24 hours before refilling with antifreeze....

Had I know then what I know now, I would have tried this first... The shaft was over 100 bucks and the impellor was about 30 bucks...

Don't use permanent Locktite but something medium strength that can function in a wet environment (sealant type)....

Hope this can be of assistance... tj..
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Ever since my 01' SxR 700 was new I have had a tiny drop of coolant in my belly pan after the summer. Never caused a problem so I never worried about it. 10,000 miles later and the leak has increased to the point where I have to fix it. Sounds very similar to above. The dealar quoted this as a common problem on the Yamaha tripple and wants $500 to fix it as they have to pull the engine. How hard is it to do this fix, does it require pulling the engine...?
I have replaced the mechanical seal twice now and it still leaks. I am going to try what is meationed above, about the locktite.

I have not replaced the shaft itself,so I am unsure if the motor will need to be pulled to do that.

For 500 that your dealer wants, if you are mechanicaly inclined at all. I would try the loctite/washer.

You can go to a parts microfiche like
and look at the exploded view/order your parts.
680 is the locktite you use. It is good for up to .015" gap. Do not use thread locker.
