New member
need some serious help in picking out my next sled. i have narrowed it down to two choices. a 2002 sxviper or a 2000 mountain max. both 700's. the friends i ride with just got a m1000 and an rmk amoung other things. we ride a lot of deep powder and i don't wana be getting my viper upstuck every 10 minutes. they both have the same amount of miles and cost the same amount. i am completly torn. they both look great and everything works perfectly. what do you guys suggest?????
New member
I would go with the viper. Find a used 144" track and extend it. Find a used set of ski's for the powder. Not sure what the tallest lug is that will fit the stock drives or without doing a d&r. Viper should out range your friends sleds on gas.
Go with a mountain sled if you ride a lot of powder. The MMax was a good sled in it's day, but you may want to go newer. You will be modding quite a bit to keep up with the newer sleds. If you are set on converting the Viper you will spend a good deal of money, but it can be done. There are some parts showing up on here that would help. The '05 mtn skid is an excellent start.
Personally, I would just use the money you would spend modding on a newer sled.
Personally, I would just use the money you would spend modding on a newer sled.
New member
i really should have added that i only have a budget of 1700 and the both fall within that price range.
New member
Mountain Max for me ....down the road if you need more power to keep up with your buddies that motor likes pipes and you can find them cheap on here.
New member
yup on a set budget, get that Mountain Max if you ride powder, then if you do mods after, you won't have to spend the extra money on a track and extensions for a 121 to 144, plus on here you can get pipes on here for cheap like richierich said
Mountain max makes a great flatland play sled. If you ride deep pow in the UP and your riding buds are on long tracks you'll need to extend the viper to make it comparable. That will blow a hole in the budget.
New member
ok, now the guy droped the price on the viper. i could get it cheaper than the mountain max and then extend the track with the money left over. if i did that, would a 136 or 144 track on a viper be just as good as the mountain max or still come up short??
New member
144" would be better than the 141" on the mmax. 141" track arent the easiest tracks to find anymore either. i have a 144" ckmountain suspension from my 05' mtn viper for sale if your interested. the hydralic shocks were replaced with gas shocks and all the arms and linkages are powdercoated white. i also have a 144"x16"x2" challenger track that i would sell also. pm me if your interested.
New member
The viper with a 144 and proper clutching and gearing would run circles around the mm. The viper comes with 15-20 more hp stock than the mm. Get the viper.
Later on when you get more cash, you can find some SLP or bender tripple and pipe the viper. YOu will need some other MISC stuff to help keep the motor cool but it would get you about another 20-25 HP over stock
Mountain Max ! Red heads are true performers compared to a Viper that loves to smoke the center cylinder. Look around and see for yourself, Viper chassis with blown motors are a plenty. And never replacing / cleaning the power valves is a blessing for sure. Mine smoked the center cylinder at 2500 miles and I sold it as soon as Yamaha replaced the crank, cylinder, piston, head etc. The headlight was the only addition I felt was worth having over a SXr. My 2 cents !
Mountain Max ! Red heads are true performers compared to a Viper that loves to smoke the center cylinder. Look around and see for yourself, Viper chassis with blown motors are a plenty. And never replacing / cleaning the power valves is a blessing for sure. Mine smoked the center cylinder at 2500 miles and I sold it as soon as Yamaha replaced the crank, cylinder, piston, head etc. The headlight was the only addition I felt was worth having over a SXr. My 2 cents !