Please send my weights back


Life Member
May 2, 2003
houlton, maine
To the guy in biddiford area that I loaned my weights to for racing, could you please send them back? Pm me if you dont have my address
I would say that whomever has BeTheViper's weights is a real dick for not returning them. Get them back to the man already!!!!!
call him out by name biggie.Got to do what you gotto do..then everyone will have a sense who he is for the future.Man the nerve of some bend over backwards to help someone and this is what you get in return..not good in my books...... :ORC :die:
I did, all I remember is that he worked at a place that had something to do with electricity and the town. I had an hour or so talking to him on the phone as well about how to set up his sled, and yes, I did pay to ship them.
I am still a sucker and am out a set of cut 40-10 heelclickers. Could have been worse, could have sent a helix as well.
like to bring this back every year, my therapist and Obama say I must have hope . Hope I get them back

81 north st.
houlton maine
no question, just send them, Isn't the guilt killing you????????????????????????????????
scott, it sucks to hear that you've been taken advantage of, even when you were just trying to help out another fellow. hopefully the guilt gets to him enough, that he send you you're weights back.
Not sure, he was someone i sold some parts to, nice enough guy, then i was helping him with his drag setup, I had a set of weights that worked great, lots of test time getting them ground right. I am in hopes that he has only forgot as I believe most people are honest. Could have been worse, could have loaned him a sled.

The weights are something you can only use on grass or ice with a loaded speed track, I had a friend I wanted to loan them to. I don't need any weights. Thanks for the offer though:)
