New member
i picked up a used set of heavy hitters.they came off a 99sx700 will they work with my 99srx600.right now i have a bender shift kit.the thunder shift kit did not come with a spring. does thunder products sell the spring seprately. also what weight should i start with. i do have my stock helix.
Use your stock primary spring with the aftermarket helix. Start with the weights set up like they are now. A 600 SRX can be clutched very similar to a 700 sx with Bender or PI pipes. Your rpm,s should be 83-8500 rpm. Just add or subtract weight where you need to in the shift curve. You gotta run the sled on snow & keep track of wide open rpm,s to do this. This will give you a base line to start tuning. If you tell me where your rpm,s are I can help you dial it in. It is all trial & error to get clutching perfect & even that will change when temps & snow conditions vary!