Grease inserts.


Super Moderator
Sep 15, 2003
Freeland & Otsego lake, MI
I have a plugged grease inserts on my skid. Whats the best way to get it working again or is it just easier to change it out. I'm guessing it justs screws out or is it part of the arm.

super1c said:
I have a plugged grease inserts on my skid. Whats the best way to get it working again or is it just easier to change it out. I'm guessing it justs screws out or is it part of the arm.

If the base of the zerk has a hex to it, you should be able to unscrew it. If not, then it's pressed in and would require pressing an new one in. Polaris used press in zerks on the trailing arm/spindle.

If you think it's plugged because it won't take grease, you're more than likely dealing with a dry shaft that is buggered up with rust and not allowing new grease to force out the old.

The usual failure of a zerk/grease fitting is the sealing ball not returning which results in a fitting that oozes when the grease gun is removed. Which is usually caused by not cleaning the fitting before putting the grease to it.

You could try to work the shaft as you're applying grease which will sometimes work the gunk loose and allow the flow of grease. I would disassemble and clean because more than likely you've got warn bushings and/or shafts.
Thanks for the help snomofo. I got it working. I just took it apart and cleaned the old grease out and the zerk and it works great. I did the rest of the skid that way while i was at it. I should have just done that in the first place.
You can also press the sealing ball with a small punch to free it. Many times they freeze in the closed position, There are some zerks on a Proaction skid that do not have the sealing ball.
