D.C.S. system on a 04 viper


New member
Apr 9, 2009
what does it mean when your D.C.S. light is blinking? i think it was just because i started it and it blinked a few times right when it started up but what does it mean when it does blink
DENOTATION!!!!!!!! Bad gas situation.... low octane levels.....improper jetting situation.....BUT MOSTLY the Fuel is the issue.
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PenguinLuke33 said:
what does it mean when your D.C.S. light is blinking? i think it was just because i started it and it blinked a few times right when it started up but what does it mean when it does blink
blue boy covered it good,i'll just add upon start up CDI checks circuits and flashes DCS and Temp lights 3 times telling you things are OK. normal. any other time it comes on it because of the reasons blue gave.

always premium fuel
thanks daman boy...you explained the flashing lights very well.I'll add if it does not flash upon start-up..check bulbs,but be carefull on running it until you get the start-up flashes.If bulbs are good..then CDI may be the issue.You want them start-up flashes to blink,it is checking the system. ;)!
premium fuel and 1 size up jetting solved my DCS from coming on.My SRX ran very well last season.Just keep that light from flashing when all out pinned and doing over 100mph...lollll or KABOOM!!!!
ya i think it was just from start up. It was in my garage ideling and it blinked right after it started up. But i did just put stablizer in it, maybe that did it
