New member
anyone know where i can buy the ohlin shocks with the adjustable piggy back shocks i think they come stock on the newer Srx's i have them on my sled and i snaped one need a new one any help please?
Thanks Jason.
Thanks Jason.
have you tried looking on ebay?

if you keep doing wheelies with you SRX,you'll continue to snap them shocks..lolllll..Could get real expensive.$$$$$
check with betheviper.. It always seems like he has them growing from trees in his yard.
New member
bluemonster1 said:if you keep doing wheelies with you SRX,you'll continue to snap them shocks..lolllll..Could get real expensive.$$$$$
i actually hit a rock on the one side and snaped my shock and broke my trailing arm =\ had bad luck at the end of the season.. =(
yes i have looked on ebay but cant seem to find none maybe i aint typing the right thing in the search bar i have a hard time finding stuff on ebay =(
Thanks evryone i will ask 'betheviper'
New member
Call Bruce at Pioneer Performance, there is a very good chance that he could fix what you have.He is an authorized Ohlins service center and has a wide variety of parts.If you google him I'm sure that he'll come up or you could get his phone number off his website.