Active member
guys, i have a helix angle thread going on in the tech section. the purpose of the thread, is to get people to give known helix angles of aftermarket helixs, that aren't stamped w/the angle, just a code. that way, us clutch tuners and owners know what helix angle we're dealing with. for example, a bender stamped "9870" helix. many ask the question of what angle is this helix. well, if you guys know the angle of that helix, or of any other aftermarket helix, please post in my thread, as Mr Sled is going to take the info and put it in the tech pages, so we can just reference that page in the tech section, and know what angle the aftermarket helix is, that we are dealing with. know what i mean? so far, we have some hauck helixs and some megapower helixs. if any of you have any angles to input, please do so. thanks.
here is a link to the thread:
here is a link to the thread: