2000 Yamaha XL1200 Won't Start


New member
Jun 2, 2009
Hilton, NY

I have an 2000 Yamaha XL1200 that Won't Start. The left handle bar where the lanyard hooks on looks like it took a good ding under a dock or something from last year's teenager use. I am suspecting that the switch or that mechanism is bad and wanted to ask if my logic might be right in someones opinion or how I can test it.

If I put the lanyard on the switch and press the green start button nothing happens except the word "start" is displayed on the dash display. There is no starter noise, clicks, or turning over of the engine whatsoever. ***Checked when I got home tonight... the word "START" only shows up on display when the lanyard is attached and pushing the green start button**** So now, I don't know what to check going forward... please help

If I have a known good working XL 1200 and push the green start button WITHOUT clipping on the lanyard will "Start" be displayed on the dash display?***Checked when I got home tonight... the word "START" only shows up on display when the lanyard is attached and pushing the green start button**** So now, I don't know what to check going forward... please help

Is this something I can unhook or bypass to get the engine to turn over somehow and therefore let me know it is indeed that lanyard kill switch assembly that has gone bad? Are there fuses or something somewhere that I should be checking?

Is this a common problem?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much....

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