I need advice, what do you guys think...


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Plymouth, Wis.
Hey everybody,
So i will be needing another sled for next year. As is stands, i have an '05 rs rage, and and '08 fx nytro. I love them both. I also have and '03 REV 600 H.O. and last year it melted down. We rebuilt it but it stil doesnt run 100% so i am looking to trade it for something else because i dont wanna dick around with it when it comes to december. So now i need advice. I know that this is a yamaha website but i really want honest perspective please. I want to know whether you guys think would be better: and Ski-doo E-Tec or get another 4-stroke.
Like i said, i love yamaha and i have so far not had many problems with them, but i am curious about the E-Tec with the good emissions and low oil, etc. I am skeptical because of my burndown from ski-doo last year. I have never ridden one and want to know from the people who have, what they think about them.
If you guys could help me out and let me know what you think it would be greatly appreciated. :letitsnow
I rode a mxz renegade 600 e-tec this spring. To my understanding, it's supposed to have 115 hp. Here is my summary:
1) When letting off the throttle, the engine brakes like a 4 stroke, maybe not as bad but still irritating, rpm's drop through the floor
2) I saw a dynograph of an e-tech in amsnow, the graph has a 10 hp drop between 5000 and 6000 rpm (don't remember exactly where within this 1000 rpm).
3) The e-tech needs 6 minute start ups every morning. I heard that several of these seized up because people didn't warm it up properly, very finicky on this.
4) The stock cluthing is way too soft, it engages at 2800 rpm.
5) The Mxz has a "longer" feel to it than my 01 MM. The sled feels longer
6) It sure does not feel like 5 hp stonger than the MM, especially not at top end. The motor is NOT as snappy as it is supposed to be.

Now for the better aspects:
7) The sled feels very light in the front end, VERY light. Even with electric start, I could have lifted it 2 feet in the air.
8) The gauge cluster is very high tech.

Conclusion: if you want a e-tech, do not buy a 09. That motor needs some fine tuning before it is real good. The real reason to buy a e-tech would have to be the weight, it must be at least 100 lbs lighter than any 4 stroke.
That etec is amazing, my best friend has an 09 and he has 0 issues. It has engine braking, which drives me nuts, I found its clutching to be very aggresive, the etec the norwegian drive must be setup different. I found it pulled very hard no matter the RPM. When he first got it I had to adjust the limiter strap to get it stop pushing through the corners, he is 210 lbs, not much more then preset, but enough I guess. He got 25mpg this year, all year. still has over half a tank of oil after riding 1600 miles. I would buy the etec for trail riding anyday over anything else, it corners like mad and loves it when you hit the gas harder in the corner. Any other sled will make you feel nervous, but it just holds, no matter what. It takes a bit of getting used tot he riding style, but once you do, look out. Only thing I recommend is getting a skid plate and the big *** windshield, these things are cold.
thanks for the advice! i still just dont know what to do though.....i love yamaha, but im thinkin its gonna be the e-tec. with the great mileage and oil comsumption, you cant go wrong....so is it really a 6 minute warmup in the morning when its cold??
Go test drive them both at the dealerships when there is snow and decide which you like better. Other's explanations pale to your own time on each sled. Get whichever one feels better to you as you sit on it. You're the one whose gonna be making payments on it for several years, so get the one you like.

I hate when these start boiling down to others having to "convince" someone to get one sled or another. Get the sled you like, and you know you like it because you've driven that particular model. I have bought Yamaha's for my last 3 sleds because I liked each sled I bought -- I knew this because I drove each one prior to purchase -- never brand new either -- always 1 owner but low miles. Maybe my riding style is consistent with how Yamaha engineers design sleds or that style is what I'm used to. I don't know. I have ridden many models of all 3 other brands and I prefer the Yamaha's.

But I learned that from riding them, and only that way. So when it came time to buy, I knew I'd like my purchase. For that reason, I would never pre-order a sled because what if i did not like it once I did ride it. That would suck and I won't risk that.

So my advice is wait until snow and test ride both models.

attakfanatik said:
thanks for the advice! i still just dont know what to do though.....i love yamaha, but im thinkin its gonna be the e-tec. with the great mileage and oil comsumption, you cant go wrong....so is it really a 6 minute warmup in the morning when its cold??

that's what the owner said.
I think its a good idea to warm up any sled four to five minutes at least.. Just to get the sled moving 15 to 20 miles an hour you spinning the engine 5 to 6 grand.. Seen to many issues with people getting on the gas with cold engines.. If your afraid of fouling plugs., there's something else is wrong...
