Need help. Apex rtx vs fx Nytro.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
S.W Ontario
Hi all. I'm new here, so bare with me.
I'm looking at buying a sled, either a Nytro, or an Apex RTX. I've only got about 8000 Canadian to spend, so... I know the Apex well, but don't know much about the Nytro's. I remember reading that the 08's had some major darting issues, and general handling cons. Were these legit issues, or the usual snowmobile press with a hard for Yami's? The reason I ask is, my 8g's won't get me a 09 Nytro when they tweeked the front suspension. I just don't know what I'm gonna do. I know it's a real grey area, and my question is vague to say the least, but any advice will help. I ride mostly trails, and like my acceleration. Which brings me to my other question. Which sled accelerates faster? I know the Apex has more up top, but how much? Can the Nytro run with the RTX from 0-80ish? Any advice/tips would greatly aid me in the decision making process!
Thanks again!

Yes the nytro will run with the apex till 80 or so.. My buddys will infact stay pretty close to my other friends Arctic Cat Z1 turbo..

All i can tell you is this.. I love my apex.. ive had it since 2005, and its the only sled ive ever owned that i said i will keep till it wont run no more.. I would love to try a nytro.. but i dont believe there is a sled out there that is much better than a apex with a few tweeks.. The motor is addicting.. and it rides, handles great.. Only draw back i see it having over a nytro is its heavier, and might not ride quite as well in the really rough stuff..
On paper the apex is heavier, but I cant tell the difference, and even on paper its only a few pounds. Secondly, the apex is faster everywhere to the nytro, including and especially acceleration, that is with studs.

As for the darting, personally I never had a problem with it as in, mine never darted. However, my front end bushings were completely gone by the end of this season at 12000 kms and I noticed by steering was all over the place, my play in the front end was measured in inches at the spindle. Anyways, ulmer bushing kit fixed that right up, and many people I know have had sucess with the woodys slim jim dooly, research it, youll see what it is.

The nytro front ends are not good, you might want to be careful!
