did anyone see tracks usa is gonna make new rail ext's???


New member
May 4, 2003
central, michigan
I spoke with Bruce today via cell phone, he said the gen II rail extensions are going to be made for our beloved yamaha's. also, he said the rail ext's will have a groove exactly like our current rails so we can use full length (136 or 144") hyfax's this helps alot with my descision to long track as i didnt want to spend the bux or the time to get new rails, and i really didnt like the "look" of the current rails in the kits everyone is buying. he said production is to begin in july with part numbers and parts being available by aug or sept. go to the link and check the extensions out they fit into the rail like no other and have nice relief cuts in the rails for weight saving and asthetcis. looks like i am going to get the yamaha mountain srx tunnel ext kit from yami, bruces rail extensions, then all i need are longer hoses, and bumper cover, and then i need to figure out the relocation and get some brkts :( does it ever end???) and i am golden. best news i have heard all spring. ski
Ski we used Bruce's rail ext. on Jim's 136" Pro-X & the kit turned out very, very nice (almost too nice for a POO) lol. Good luck to Ya & let me know how it turns out. Bushman
