wow..alot lot of fun again


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
well since I can't ride my SRX in the warm weather,I got my 700 Maxim out and stretched it's legs.Since I haven't riden it for some six years,I ran it 50 km's on the Hwy and some city.Just wanted to see if anything out of the ordinary will happen.There are no leaks of any kind,tires and bearings feel good.Just got her up to about 140 km's/hr on the Hwy.This Bike is running great,helped that I cleaned them dirty carbs from standing 6 years.
One thing I found out is that the damn Insurance for Bikes here is outrageous.I mean this is an 1985 Yamaha Maxim 700,some 24 years old and to insure it for 12 months is like $1511.00 and that doesn't include fire and thief yet.The Auto Pac in this Province have really hit the Bikers hard,every year the insurance keep climbing.I got $2,000,000 liabilty coverage and a $300 deduct.So I only Insured it to Oct 30/09 and that was $390.00.
Oh well,that is the price for having some fun I guess.Feels good being back on a Bike again..I miss that open Hwy. just cruising.
:bling: :bling: :bling:


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ouch! that price sucks.

it is a little old for td insurance i think but it would be worth the phone call.

i am paying $800.00 a year for a 2000 xt350 and a 2008 wr250x with them. both bikes only have plpd, fire and theft as well.
I have heard some guys years ago used to go to province over just to insure their Bike(probably under a buddies name) and paid way less then would over here in Manitoba.Yes I agree Maim..that is a crazy amount of $$$$$.Mind you I had to pay a registration fee of $89 first.Government out here sucks,money grabbers.That's the NDP for ya.A few years ago they said they would give back to the driver's a rebate.Everyone thought that was cool.I think we got something like $40.00 per vehicle.Registration was also lower to.Then after all the rebates were given out and people were smiling,they raised the registration fees way up.They got all the rebate money back plus some.A lot of people didn't realize that,but there was a radio talk show on it and the truth came out with what the Government pulled over our eyes.A Bunch of Horse Crap if you ask me. :o|
Your Maxim looks to be in great shape,a bud of mine had one years ago and rode the wheels off it.
Speaking of insurance prices for bike have you looked at what it costs to insure a sport bike?That will make you think twice about buying one or at least a new.I was on the verge of getting an R1 last year and was checking insurance prices around;what a bunch of frickin thieves insurance companies are.Just because it's a listed in the super sport category they wanted to charge me like $2600 for PLPD.Yeah why don't we do that,and this was with the company I used to insure my truck and sled with.
Son's a bitches figure they got you by the short hairs when you call to insure something and I guess they pretty much do.I'm in the wrong business I guess.
Nice maxim

Nice maxim, is that the maxim x? I just last summer tuned one for a guy he came out here to ride it and tells me its been awhile so I tell him ease the clutch little gas (yeah right) he dumps the clutch wide open 1st gear for about 60 feet then a SOLID brick barn wall stopped him. He did not die but did enough damage that when i fixed the bike he traded it for a suzuki 250 old street bike (doesn't want me to tune it either?????)
it is a water cooling here.It has 39,000 km's on her now,not bad.Good enough for me and the insurance is insane for an older bike.Insurance rates would be a good factor for me to never by a new Bike,Vehicle or sled.They just RIP the crap out of you.I won't give in to that.I like driving older used vehicles,and one's that I can still tinker with..not like the new stuff that has to go into the dealership every time it burps or coughs.Sorry..I know I am not supporting the economy...who the heck cares.$$$$$ talk over here,no need to show off with a new friggin unit.My father was the same way..didn't care about buying new..didn't care what people thought.If they said something...he sure as hell would give them an ear full and running for cover.My Uncle did that to my dad once..why don't you get a new did my old man blow his top and kicked him out of his thought that was cool.The old man had a TEMPER and it haunted me most of my life. I have a bit of his temper but not like he did...thank God for that.Lost it a few times here at home and basically my wife ran into the bedroon to hide from me..I am better now(high blood pressure doesn't help eh!!)
