Longer shocks etc. on 98 srx


New member
Sep 5, 2009
im about to modify my srx, i got a few questions about it,
how big lugs can i have on the track? im thinking about 2" to still be able to go trailriding, do i hav to replace the drive wheels to fit 2" ??

im going to put in my fox floats in the front suspension (cc 45cm) but they wont fit in the upper bracket (dont know the right name but i mean the place you fasten the shock in) is there any tips on how to do it or is there any after market product for this mod?

will a pro x2/xr seat fit on this sled with a few mods?

if i rise the handlebars about 4-6" do i need to lenghten cables and wires ?
is there somewhere to buy this ?

im sorry for my bad english, but i hope i made my self understandable anyway.
Lugs: I have a 1 1/2 track on my srx and I just had to pull my tunnel protectors off to clear. The lugs clear the cooler by a tight 1/2". I'm changing to a 2" track right now and I bought 8 tooth drivers (smaller diameter) so the lugs will clear, the originals won't quite clear.

Front shocks: If those fox floats have the clevis type top mount like the viper shocks have, I heard that a member here named "betheviper" has top mounts which will convert those shocks for you. PM him and ask for sure, or if anyone reading this can confirm this, please chime in.

Seat: Another member here, "mtnxtc" put a polaris seat on about a 95 or 96 vmax. He got it reupholstered to color and I thought it looked really sharp. He used the polaris fuel tank with it. You can see a picture of it in the Working Log section of the TY forums under the title " Vmax hybrid conversion to a mtn climber"

Risers: I'm putting a 4" riser on mine and am picking up the throttle/oil pump cable and the brake hose from a 2005 mtn viper. They are longer than our srx ones and should work good for that big a riser.

Hope this helps.
Lugs: okey , ill just buy smaller drivers, just ordered those and a challenger 151" 2" track :)

Front shocks: hmm i dont know what clevis means, but they look pretty much the same as my öhlins shock mounts, what i need to do i think now after a few beers and 2 hours staring at the sled is to relocate the brackets on the chassie about an inch higher to be able to fit my floats length 45 cm, but do i need to change any of the rods in the front suspension/steering???

Seat: okey pretty nice job on that one, but i would like a shorter seat, pretty much like the pro xr/x2 racer seat

risers: okey, ill buy one of those, but im thinking om relocating the steering post a little more forward, i got the steering post of an 08- f8 and that one is built with a cardan-knot (drive shaft style like on cars you know) because id like the steering post a little more upwards,

is there anyone who has small cone filters on the carbs? does it work? or can i just simply cut a hole in the airbox to fit the steering postright trough it??

anyone got tips on mods to make my srx better in snow? (its allready about to be longtrack converted to 151" 2" lugs) and please dont say buy a mountainmax, i like my srx :D all tips on mods appreciated

THANKS "SASKSRX" for all help
a wider ski will help with flotation. search this site for off trail skis and you should find some helpfull treads on different ski types.
sasksrx said:
Lugs: I have a 1 1/2 track on my srx and I just had to pull my tunnel protectors off to clear. The lugs clear the cooler by a tight 1/2". I'm changing to a 2" track right now and I bought 8 tooth drivers (smaller diameter) so the lugs will clear, the originals won't quite clear.

Front shocks: If those fox floats have the clevis type top mount like the viper shocks have, I heard that a member here named "betheviper" has top mounts which will convert those shocks for you. PM him and ask for sure, or if anyone reading this can confirm this, please chime in.

Seat: Another member here, "mtnxtc" put a polaris seat on about a 95 or 96 vmax. He got it reupholstered to color and I thought it looked really sharp. He used the polaris fuel tank with it. You can see a picture of it in the Working Log section of the TY forums under the title " Vmax hybrid conversion to a mtn climber"

Risers: I'm putting a 4" riser on mine and am picking up the throttle/oil pump cable and the brake hose from a 2005 mtn viper. They are longer than our srx ones and should work good for that big a riser.

Hope this helps.

Hey sasksrx,the vipers in 04 and up switched from the dual oil and throttle cables on the gas throttle to a single cable. So the 05 cables will not work for you. Even the dealer told me that when i was checking which one would work with mine. I put a 4in raise on my 03 viper. All i can say is dont buy aftermarket extenders = JUNK! I ended up getting my cables off a 03 mtn. viper which worked perfect.
Those shocks seem way too long (45cm is almost 17 3/4") .I put phaser 4 stroke shocks on they are about 15 3/4" ( 40 cm ) that was a bit of work.
Agpetro said:
Hey sasksrx,the vipers in 04 and up switched from the dual oil and throttle cables on the gas throttle to a single cable. So the 05 cables will not work for you. Even the dealer told me that when i was checking which one would work with mine. I put a 4in raise on my 03 viper. All i can say is dont buy aftermarket extenders = JUNK! I ended up getting my cables off a 03 mtn. viper which worked perfect.

did the same with my 02 srx. but a 4 inch risor and 03 mtn viper cables and worked like a charm. much better then extensions!!!!
A pro x2/xr seat will fit fairly well with little modifications


