2006 WR450 Waterpump seal help


New member
May 19, 2003
Churchill Falls,NL, Canada
Hey guys, can someone show me a pic of the outter waterpump seal on their wr, or share info. I have an 06 450 and changed the outter seal, the stock one, from what i can remember, came out with the flat side facing me, but the book says to put the words/numbers on the seal facing inward, i done it that way and the bike immidiately filled up the oil level with coolant, not good. Others on other forums say i put it in the correct way, but I don't think I did, obviously. can someone help me out here please....
Are you looking for a real pic?????? I can supply pics/copys out my Service Manual for my 05, thats the best I can do as I have no plan to take mine apart.
sounds like you put it in the right way. i did one on a yz 426 a month age and the inner seal had the spring facing inward and the outer had the spring facing the washer and impeller . make sure you never damaged the bore or seal when installing.
