97 Vmax assembly issues....


New member
May 26, 2009
Gorham, Maine
Last yr i blew up the bearing holding the the jack shaft for the secondary clutch which therefore shredded my jack shaft and fuel lines... i have gotten all new parts new jack shaft bearing and fuel lines. after assembly i noticed that the clutch was not tight to the bearing on the jack shaft.. i.e. it was sliding back and forth on the shaft... i looked on some oem parts finders and found part#90384-38243-00 which was a bimetal form bushing which was something that looked like it was missing maybe from when i blew up the bearing thinking that would stop the sliding of the clutch... the bushing didnt fit on the jack shaft but slid onto the secondary clutch which looked like it served no purpose since the bushing was smaller than what it was sitting on and was sliding back and forth itself. maybe that bushing is part of the clutch and i just ordered something i didnt need... not sure.. so im wondering if im still missing something or i put the new bearing on the shaft to far which is making the clutch slide or if its actually supposed to slide back and forth which in my opinion its not... if someone could please help me out it would be much appreciated.

The secondary is designed by Yamaha to be a floating set-up. Meaning there is nothing wrong with it floating on the shaft as long as it moves between the ranges the manual specifies. Some guys have been known to run with it fixed in place as well.
