VIP Member
My little brother has a '75 Panther I can have, it was running 3 years ago, but got some bad gas and clogged up the carb, so it needs to be cleaned. It's a 440 so it bigger than I want for them, but I'll put a block behind the flipper for now. It goes about 80 mph, so I can put the wife on it if we all want to go somewhere. The sled is pretty clean, will need to get the seat recovered, and replace the windshield but it only has about 1100 miles on it. The question I have is, Can you replace that cleated track with something better?
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New member
Not sure about cats, but it shouldn't be a problem. Worst case scenario I can see is maybe having to change drivers. If you look around you can probably find the information you need. G.
VIP Member
I think it's the same pitch (2.52") but different length... Thanks
New member
When my kids first started, I bought two '87 yamaha 340's. Both basically the same sled but one was called enticer and the other excel III. They were great and light weight. Got phenominal gas mileage too. I ended up selling them to an ice fisherman who just wanted to putt out to his fishing spot. The suspension was the killer. You just couldn't go very fast without having your knees launch into the handlebars.
VIP Member
I would rather have an old Yamaha, but the cat was free, I'll keep it for year or two, my oldest is only 9, she has a few years before she can get her learners' permit. This will get them started learning. I remember what it felt like riding those old sleds on the trails. They can do it, but just not as fast as a newer suspension.
New member
FYI, I made my kids wear a chest protector when they first started. New riders can tend to hold the throttle when in panic mode.