New member
Found a guy that will ship me fast trac 2 studs for a buck a piece plus shipping. They are 80 degree stainless carbide tiped with nuts. have any of you all run these before? I like the price but dont want to buy junk either. I am trying to replace my studs that came with my new to me 99srx. i was looking at the 1.175" which seem to be about as long as i can run with the stock track. Thanks for any input you can offer. My buddy has a complete rebuilt mach 1 700 to run this winter and i am hopeing that my srx will make him look silly
I just wanted to note that i did a search on these studs on this site with no hits.

linemech31 said:Found a guy that will ship me fast trac 2 studs for a buck a piece plus shipping. They are 80 degree stainless carbide tiped with nuts. have any of you all run these before? I like the price but dont want to buy junk either. I am trying to replace my studs that came with my new to me 99srx. i was looking at the 1.175" which seem to be about as long as i can run with the stock track. Thanks for any input you can offer. My buddy has a complete rebuilt mach 1 700 to run this winter and i am hopeing that my srx will make him look sillyI just wanted to note that i did a search on these studs on this site with no hits.
I can't offer any input about the studs, but the OEM track will put you at a disadvantage regardless of the number or length of stud.
Of course changing studs isn't the same job as swapping tracks, but the biggest bang for the buck would be to upgrade the track. I think you may be disappointed with just changing studs.

i agree with snomofo change the track
New member
maybe i should have stated what type of conditions i run in. The lake i run at is glare ice to very hard pack. I dont want or think i need a better track if anything a bald track with ice picks would be the best choice. Im not goiing to run my srx in deep snow or loose pack. i wanted to see if anyone had run the fast track studs before and what they thought of them. thanks in advance.
New member
I've had the FastTrac studs (196 of them) in my track for about 4 years. I'm just now replacing the original track after 6K miles and had only one pull out. The picks seem to hold up pretty well ...I still had pretty good traction on ice even though they are that old.
New member
I think they're located in Lake Zurich Illinois. Their URL is
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Any current opinion on these studs?
All brands are pretty good now a days, they'll all last a couple seasons as long as you don't go trying to launch on pavement or a rock garden.