93 ovation shock questions


New member
Oct 20, 2006
I have a mint 93 ovation for my son.
Today, I took out the suspension to give it a once over and grease up the cross shafts.
I noticed the shock at the rear scissior is leaking pretty bad.
I have went online to search the part # 85L-47480-00
But locally I can only get the front shock and want to maybe go to a gas unit.
What other machines have a cross?
I am not very familiar with the Yamaha units any help would be great.
Thanks in advance.

Are you saying that the shock is no longer available from Yamaha? If so check with aftermarket parts distributors - Dennis Kirk etc.
No I am not saying that yamaha doesn't have the shock..
I am just wondering if there is a cross that might be cheaper than the $160cdn that yamaha wants for a $30 oil filled unit.
If there is a cross, maybe from an enticer or phazer I will be able to get him set up.
they want gold for that stuff. the rear is usually gas charged. went through this 15 years ago for a 78 et250 and i ended up with a kimpex rear for around 1/2 the price of the dealer. any of the old suspenions with the same travel/spring combo should work for you.
That is what I was thinking.. Maybe a shock from a later excell 3 unit...
That is basically what the ovation replaced.
Well, I had to go with the OEM unit from yamaha..
Seems the Ovation rear shock doesn't match up excatly and I don't want to compramise on this unit.
Thanks for the info.
