Expert X parts???

you can get all the bushings and bolts from them, but I don't think they sell individual parts. I got a bag of them from my buddy when I bought my Expert X from him.
Stephfg said:
you can get all the bushings and bolts from them, but I don't think they sell individual parts. I got a bag of them from my buddy when I bought my Expert X from him.

thats what i am after. bushings.
Get out your wallet

AD Boivin really got expensive on this stuff within the last two years. You have to buy an entire bushing kit which will probably include some stuff you don't even need. Last time I needed stuff they wouldn't let me order direct. I got my stuff at Excell Motorsports.....this time of year they may even have a few bushing kits in stock. Call and ask for Harold or Aaron. 315 691 6916

anyone have any parts dealers for ad boivin i ordered my parts direct a year ago and was very expensive, now need more bushings, and the same broken parts again, for as fast as they wear out parts should be a 1/4 of what they want for them, like the skid but very expensive to maintain and i have three of them
M10's aren't cheap to maintain/repair either. Good skids, and at least Fast has a fairly decent parts list online. I bought a "good deal" used M10, and put $350 into it to get it right...shoulda put in and SC10III Ski doo skid or an Extra 10/12......
Great news

I needed bushings this year too and I checked the AD Boivin website. It directed me to 2M Motorsports. I talked to a guy named Mike. He was fantastic and knew what I was talking about. He also let me buy the parts individually and I didn't have to get the "kit" with a bunch of stuff I didnt need. And everything was in stock! You can check out the parts microfiche on the AD Boivin website. If you can't find it call 2M Motorsports at 418 717 3304 and ask for Mike. This is the best service I've seen for AD Boivin stuff since 2002.

ya i talked to 2m today, i will buy some of the cheaper bushings from them , but 6 of the bushings are $30 each , for the parts i need they want $455 plus shipping , thats rediculas , basically all my bushings are shot , i will have to custom make them ,my time is way cheaper
