Ignition Switch 1989 Yamaha Phazer


New member
Oct 24, 2009

I was hoping someone could give me some information on replacing the ignition switch on a 1989 Yamah Phazer.

I believe ignition swtich is the right name- or maybe it's igniton assembly? Have had no luck searching the internet for any instructions or information on replacing one. Here is a photo of the part I need to replace.


I bought this sled just the other day and pulled the "plunger" part that the key goes into out of the "housing", not sure how else to describe it. I was trying to pull the key out and I guess it was locked in there so it broke off inside.

How hard is it to replace this? I have absolutely zero knowledge/experience with engines/machines. What do I have to take off to get the old ignition switch out? Am I going to need to solder anything?

I would sure appreciate any help someone can offer.

Thanks a lot.
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Having never actually replaced one, but having worked on all things phazer for years, I'm pretty sure you just need to unscrew the nut thingy on the front side and unplug the wiring harness on the back side. Should be much of a job.
Hey, thanks for the reply.

Yes, that looks to be the way of getting it out of there.

I was wondering though- right now I can't get it started because I don't know when the key is on or off- I did get it to start after I broke the ignition switch- I was able to put the part back in there, but it's broken so it's really loose and I can't tell when it clicks on/off, to top it off I don't know if the fuel shut off valve is in the right posisition (should it be pushed away from me or pulled towards me). If I disconnected the ignition switch wiring harness would that allow the sled to be started? In other words- I don't need the ignition switch to start it if I don't plan on using a key, right? If I take the whole thing out- it should be all set to start?

Hope that makes sense.

Appreciate the help.
I took the nut off and the switch wants to fall back down inside- so I tightened it back up until I know how to disconnect the wiring harness.

What parts of the sled will I have to take off to get to it (disconnect harness)?

I've only had it for two days and know next to nothing about it.

Just buy a used ignition/key switch. Try Hudson's or Al's. Should not cost much. The large nut will unscrew, pull it up(the whole cylinder), unhook the wires and reattach to the new switch unit.
As far as the fuel petcock goes, on my exciter straight up and down is fuel on and turned left is off. Mine does not go in and out?
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I'd just like to disconnect the ignition swtich now, so I can get the engine running and make sure it's all set for this winter, I'd like to replace it at some point soon though.

Having trouble getting the plastic off to get to the switch wiring - the shutoff valve is connected to the fuel line and I don't see how the plastic can come off or even be raised up unless I disconnect it. I don't have a clue how to do that and don't want to mess anything up. Here is a pic

Thanks for the info.
that fuel switch is an add on. it will unscrew just as your ignition switch did. the red lever will flip or remove with a set screw,or thread out. to remove it off the cowl part. i have a key and switch that may work if your interested,.
That is correct about the switch, if you pull it apart the sled will probably run.

It will not be an easy thing to replace the ignition switch. You will learn something about Phazer's - that they are not easy to work on. I have had all of that apart, but have not replaced the switch itself. Remove the seat and remove all the attaching hardware from the shroud/fuel tank cover. Remove the plastic covers on the handlebars. Raise the fuel tank cover up as far as you can and put a block under it and I think you can then get the ignition switch in and out. There is a connector near the switch to unplug the wires.

On the fuel valve, clockwise is off, counterclockwise is on. Do yourself (and anyone else who runs the sled) a favor and label it.
