1989 Phazer Leaking Fuel


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Noticed some fuel on the ground under the engine of my 89 phazer- traced it up to here (see pic)

The X represents the fuel line ( I guess that's what it is) and the red dot represents where the leak is, only it's on the bottom and I can't get a pic. It's dripping every 10 seconds or so.


Not sure of the name of the part in the pic, so it's hard for me to find out any info. from the manual whithout searching forever. Obviously I know nothing about engines, so any help would be great.

Thanks a lot.


Should not be too hard to replace fuel line. Just take your time and don't manhandle it. Mine were old(obviously) and as I replaced one section, the twisting and pulling broke other sections. So, I ended up replacing most of the lines.
hard to tell from the pic, but that looks more like an overflow line due to the size and location on the air side of the carb. this would indicate a bad needle and or seat. main feed for fuel should be higher on the carb and more to the cylinder side.
There shouldn't be a fuel line right there unless maybe there is a dial-a-jet type deal hooked up the the carb. If it is I dont know much about them. Make sure the lines are in the right place, the fuel lines should connect to the carb body.
