yamaha srv 540 fan 1988 grass drags


New member
Mar 31, 2007
south windsor CT usa
yamaha srv 540 fan 1987 good grass drag sled??????

I have a 1987 srv 540 fan sled somebody gave me. it runs good but i have onthsnever had it in te snow yet { had couple months } people are telling me this is one of the best fan air grass drag sleds.

That i should keep it and race grass drags with it.

Does anybody know this to be true?

I did not think that this sled could win anything even thou it is a big fan engine :2strokes:

also who made the fastest fan cooled sled?
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I want to get into grass drags { low budget just for fun } but I would like to have a chance to win.

This is why I have looked into the fan cooled class

Is the 540 srv a winner or is something else going to win in the stock fan cooled class????
