Looking for Information


Jan 20, 2006
Clarion, PA
hello... i bought some vmax 540 parts off of ebay and im looking for anytype of info on them.... i know they are "big bore" parts and some where near 4mm over bore... the head has been milled to lower the compression (or keep it the same after the increase in bore) the cylinders have polished intake and exhaust "runners" and a decent amount of "smoothing" on the transfer ports.... it doesnt appear that the transfer ports were moved or made any bigger... im just looking for any info i can get....

there are some stampings on them head and cylinders as you can see from the pics

this number is hard to read in the picture... i believe it says "8776"

these numbers are pretty easy to read when you click on the picture and make it bigger... it says "SSR 332" and below that "84"

also if anyone knows where i can get "big bore" pistons to fit this please let me know...

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That was probably done at Spencer Sports Racing (SSR). Either way call DRP and they may be able to help you. Delaughter Racing Products.
Seems like its a 600 BB from SSR..My friend PROSTOCKBOB had one in the day..I will talk to him next time I see him..From what he always said It was the fastest vmax he ever had..I know he had 44mm carbs and shortend the header pipes on the exhaust 10mm.
cool!!! i knew someone would have some good input!! well actually i didnt but i was praying they would! haha

the guy that sold the stuff said his math makes it out to be 601 or 610cc but i was thinking it was probably 600 to stay within rules... the cylinders also have 44mm carb flanges on them and the actual aluminum has been milled at a angle, apparently to keep the carbs from touching... you guys dont know if it had some kind of stroker crank do you? also i am really curious about the pipes... i can cut and weld a set of stockers but sure would like to see a picture of them... ill try to get ahold of the guys at Delaughter, i already looked on thier site and didnt really see anything for a motor over 440, but from what i know of them they have thier hands in a ton of stuff...

im still waiting on the piston from the seller, im real curious to know what it is going to take to find some of those.... who knows those delaughter might have all these parts sitting on a shelf collecting dust... i will get in touch with them later today...

Spencer Sports Racing is out of business?

Yes Dave Delaunter was the key guy on that kit. I almost bought a couple of thoes big bore kits last year but Dave told me to stay away from them and never wanted to see another in his shop. Pistons are a major pain in the rump to locate and no one has made or is making them anymore.
Here is Dave's website with contact information if you want to bounce a few questions off him.
yeah ive checked out his site in the past... and i emailed him yesterday, no reply yet.... i am really excited to talk to him now and see what he says about them.... probably i bought a nightmare but thats what i call a hobby :o|
You have to call him. Tell him you have money waiting he will will give you a couple minutes if he can make a couple bucks. Wiesco will make you the piston if you buy 12. I have a set of pipes made for that motor you could copy.
