gears and chain ????


Mar 18, 2008
Flin Flon,Manitoba
:wel: Good eve. guys' I know someone will give me an answer..o.k. I am changing my top sprocket from a 20 tooth to a 18 for better low end/trail riding and busting trails,partial the bottom sprocket is a 39 tooth,with the original gearing and chain I am wondering if I have to go to a shorter chain because of the smaller upper gear?The original one is a 68 link and when I took apart the unit the original chain is fairly stretched,it's got about 3/4" left on the adjuster.The sleds got around 8,000 kms on her.I'm probably changing the chain for sake anyway so this is why I ask!!! Thanks.
Kapusta = cabbage!
18/39 gearing u need a 68 link chain.
Good eve Turk,have you tried this combo for slower riding on trails?Will I loose a lot of top end or will my redhead whined up to much at wide open?
Your whined right out at about 80 mph. Your mpg will be way down. Your clutching will overrev.You will have good holeshot if you have traction. You need a lot of changes to go with that gearing.
Well I quess there is an old saying "Nothing like trying." I kind of figured there would be lots of crap to contend with just a little change in the gear,anything that sounds easy is usually not! Thanks' Turk.
I think that kind of gearing is poular on the Phazer 500's. I haven't tried it on ours but have read that a 19/39 really wakes the Phazer up from a stock 21/39. Anyone know?
