To those of you running Fox Floats??


Mar 14, 2005
Just put a set of Fox Floats on my SRX. Was wondering what a good psi setting would be? 125psi? higher or lower?
remember to have the front of the sled off the graound to air them up so all pressur is off the skis....... My buddy just runs them with around 20 pounds on his Apex RTX............ I would think at 125 thay would not move.
03sxviper said:
What sleds come factory with these shocks, and how much to buy aftermarket?

AC Sno Pro F6, F8, Z1 Turbo and the CF 8 Sno Pro. And for Yamaha, Nytro RTX/(SE comes with Float X) and Phazer RTX and the discontinued Apex RTX all come with Fox Floats.
xviperx7 said:
wish i could put a set on my viper what is needed to do it? anyone have a write up on it?

There was a thread on here a couple days ago and one of the members was saying that he just put Fox Floats on his Viper.
Try doing a search...
I have a sent of fox float evol r shocks on next new condition i would be willing to sell if anyone is interested 800. Pm me
I have a sent of fox float evol r shocks on next new condition i would be willing to sell if anyone is interested $800. Pm me tgey are 16.8 inches long by the way. Came off an arctic cat.
My 06 rsnytro with floats called for 70psi stock so I would think starting close to that and fine tuning your ride height, handling, transfer...

There are shock mounts out there for vipers to use regular style shocks. The ends on Phazer shocks are narrower than some others and fit fine in the mount on the trailing arm. Not sure on the cat ones.
I have the phazer fox shocks on my 151 srx set at 60 lbs. the front is lifted about 4" higher than stock with no sway bar. I also had to extend the mounts on the steering arms with bushings so the steering does not lock up when the skis are in the air.
I run 60-80psi Fox Evol X on my Apex MTN, when solo riding and to take extra impact from cliff drops, and when I double standing up side by side for snowboarding usually 100-120psi.

I think this works good for my style of riding I havent felt and impact since I put the Evol-x's on the Front.
-Extremely Happy with my Suspension set up.


I ran 40 to 50 psi in my floats for trail riding, they sat up nice and high but were not too stiff. I wouldn't go any higher than 60 psi unless you are jumping/snocross.
