OK I picked up a Viper with simmons skis but the carbides were gone. Bought some new ones yesterday but not sure which way they mount. Does the carbide go to the front or rear of the ski??? Also does anyone have pics of the cooling fins they sell for these skis?? Thanks
New member
I believe they only go one way if you look at the carbide and the channel in the ski.
New member
I don't have pics of the fins, but my buddy has them on his simmons. Keeps everything running cooler, hyfax lubed and looks like a snow storm when following him.
New member
if they are simmons carbides, the carbides go to the rear. didn't know they would fit either way?
isn't there a pic on their website of the cooling fin? it mounts on the back inside carbide stud. it goes on top of the ski. there is really only so many ways to put it on.
isn't there a pic on their website of the cooling fin? it mounts on the back inside carbide stud. it goes on top of the ski. there is really only so many ways to put it on.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member

When I had my Simmons,I ordered the cooling fins.They worked pretty good.They will wear down and seemed to always bend upward on me..