New member
I've got roughly a 1 inch crack in the hood through the corner by my left hood strap. (crack has been drilled to prevent further cracking) I applied a type of plastic JB Weld on both sides trying to get some into the middle of the crack and then lightly bungied both hood straps together to gently close the crack. Should have asked this first obviously but what other suggestions would you guys have had? Much appreciated.
New member
i use this hardcore expensive plastic stuff that works really great and the product is blue also.. i dont remember what its called but if you want to know i could walk to my garage and found out for you if you want..
Wire wheel the inside of the hood to rough up the surface and fiberglas patch it.
Having it plastic welded would be the best way to fix it obviously but from what I have found on the net there are some companies that make a very rugged plastic repair product.
There's one of the few I've read about but I personally have no experience with it so how it stands up I can't say.
There's one of the few I've read about but I personally have no experience with it so how it stands up I can't say.